Chérif F. Matta
Le lauréat est professeur au Département de chimie et de physique à l’Université Mount Saint Vincent, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Il est également professeur adjoint à l'Université Dalhousie et à l'Université Saint Mary's, et ce semestre (automne 2016) it est aussi professeur invité Lady Davis à la faculté de médecine de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. Ses recherches en chimie théorique et computationnelle se concentrent sur l’étude de la densité et de la structure électronique des biomolécules et aussi sur les effets des champs électromagnétiques externes intenses sur leur réactivité chimique et leur structure. C’est justement ce qu’illustre son image de l'ADN, où l’on aperçoit le couple de bases nucléiques guanine-cytosine - une image qui figure sur la couverture de son livre "Quantum Biochemistry".
Bien que familière, cette représentation est une première. Jamais à ce jour a quiconque étudié en détail la topographie de la densité électronique dans le cœur de la molécule d'ADN. De fait, dans cette image, les liaisons entre les noyaux des atomes (qui retracent la structure chimique bien connue) n’ont pas été dessinées, mais calculées à partir des méthodes de la mécanique quantique. On obtient en même temp un partitionnement topographique de la densité électronique en atomes dans la molécule comme de vrais systèmes quantiques ouverts suggérés par les lignes de gradient qui convergent vers les noyaux dans l'image. La densité électronique détermine, en principe, toutes les propriétés du système - comme nous l'enseigne le fameux théorème de Hohenberg-Kohn - et le travail de notre lauréat a comme objectif de décoder ce language de la nature pour mieux la comprendre et pouvoir, peut être, mieux la contrôler .
(Pour plus de détails, visitez : http://www.cmatta.ca).
Mes liens avec l'Acfas
ConférencierPrincipal secteur de recherche ou d'activité
Mes intérêts de recherche
Chimie théorique et computationnelle Chimie quantique de biomolecules Mécanique quantique Densité électronique moléculaire Modélization des effets des champs externes sur les reactions et sue les molécules Les matrices de localisation et de délocalisation d'électrons (LDMs) ThermodynamiqueFormation
- 2009 - Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR), Université de Lorraine (France)
- 2002 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), McMaster University (Canada)
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Alexandria University (Egypt)
- 2004-2006 - Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University (Canada)
- 2002-2004 - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto (Canada)
Mes contributions « Science et société »
• Consultant for the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)(2015-2018).
• Consultant, Laboratory of Quantum Crystallography, Department of Chemistry, Hunter College, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA. (1 May - 31 August 2007).SERVICE FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FUNDING AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
• Member of the Chemistry Evaluation Group (1504) of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (2015-2018).
Referee for Central and North American Research Funding Agencies:
US Department of Energy - Office of Science (DOE - USA) (2016).
National Science Foundation (NSF - USA) (2015, 2012, 2011).
Fundación Marcos Moshinsky (Foundation Marcos Moshinsky), Mexico (2015).
Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) [2013 (twice, once for chemistry and once for physics), 2012 (twice), 2011, 2009, 2007].
US Army Research Office (USA) (2011).Referee for South American Research Funding Agencies:
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile (2015).Referee for European Research Funding and Universities:
Research Commission of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH−Zürich) (2016, 2015, 2011).
National Science Centre - Poland OPUS (Requested to act as a Reviewer twice in 2016, accepted once).
Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, FNP) HOMMING (2016).
Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) (2016).
Referee for LabEx MiChem – Comité Scientifique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne Universités (2015-2016).
External evaluator of a candidate for the Appointment to the Rank of Professor for Universität Bremen (Institut für Angewandte und Physikalische Chemie) (2015).
Czech Science Foundation “Grantová agentura České republiky – GACR” (2015, 2014 (twice), 2012).
The Research Foundation – Flanders (Flanders = Belgium), (FWO) (2014).
The Excellence Initiative, Postdoctoral-Initiative of the University of Bremen (Germany) (2013).
The European Commission: Marie Curie Fellowships (EU, Brussels) (2013, 2012).
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK (EPSRC) (2009, 2007)
The Levrhulme Trust, UK (Referee No. 92785), (2004).
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK (ReSourCe ID # 218763), since 2006.Referee for African Research Funding Agencies:
National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa (2016, 2013, 2011 (twice))Other Refereeing:
Evaluator for the Gordon Research Conferences (GRC 2013) on Electron Distribution & Chemical Bonding (2013).
Judge for Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe) Prizes for Young Russian Scientists (2013).PEER-REVIEW / REFEREEING SERVICE FOR JOURNALS:
Average ca. 10±5 review requests/month for three dozen journals.
* Board of Trustees of Dalhousie Legal Aid Services (DLAS), Halifax, NS, Canada. (An organization that provides legal services for low income residents of Halifax (Feb. 2007 - present): Member (Since 2007), Vice Chair of the Board (January-December 2010), Chair of the Board (January-December 2011).
* Member of Environmental Workgroup of the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) (2002 - 2004). (Author of an official position paper on cell phones safety which is still active to date).
Artistic oil painting. Works included in several juried (refereed) art exhibitions including a sole shows. Themes include science-inspired abstract painting, particularly, the topography of the electron density and also portrait. Participated in the organization of three conferences on Arts, Mathematics, and Science in Zagreb, Croatia, CroArtScia 2011, 2013, and 2015. (http://www.cmatta.ca/art-science/).
Mes publications
BOOKS (Published)
[2] Matta, C. F., (Ed.) (2010). Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 1 and 2), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. (978 pages).
[1] Matta, C. F. and Boyd, R. J., Eds. (2007). The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules: From Solid State to DNA and Drug Design, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, (567 pages).
BOOKS (Forthcoming)
[2] Matta, C. F. (to appear in 2017). Thermodynamics in Biochemistry: Processes, Energetics, and Control, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
[1] Cook, R.; Sumar, I.; Ayers, P. W.; Matta, C. F. (to appear in 2016). Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices (LDMs): Theory and Applications, Springer.
[2] Matta C. F. (2009), The Response of Molecular Charge Density Distributions to Changes in the External Potential, HDR Dissertation (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy-1), Nancy, France (223 pages).
[1] Matta, C. F. (2002), Applications of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules to Chemical and Biochemical Problems, PhD Thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. (323 pages).
[11] García-Ramos, J. C.; Cortés-Guzmán, F.; Matta, C. F. (2016) “On the Nature of Hydrogen-Hydrogen Bonding” in: Intermolecular Interactions in Molecular Crystals, Novoa, J. (Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Great Britain. (Accepted, in press).
[10] Matta, C. F.; Sumar, I.; Cook, R.; Ayers, P. W. (2016) “Localization-delocalization and electron density-weighted connectivity matrices: A bridge between the quantum theory of atoms in molecules and chemical graph theory” Chapter 3 in: Applications of Topological Methods in Molecular Chemistry (Springer book series: Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics (Vol. 22)), Chauvin, R; Lepetit, C.; Silvi, B.; Alikhani, E. (Eds.), Springer, Switzerland (pp. 53-88).
[9] Matta, C. F. (2010) “Reflections on Quantum Biochemistry: From Context to Contents” in: Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 1), Matta, C. F. (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (pp. XI-L).
[8] Bohórquez, H. J.; Cárdenas, C.; Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J.; Patarroyo, M. E. (2010) “Methods in biocomputational chemistry: A lesson from the amino acids”, Chapter 13 in: Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 1), Matta, C. F. (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (pp.403-422).
[7] Matta, C. F. (2010) “From atoms in amino acids to the genetic code and protein stability, and backwards”, Chapter 14 in: Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 1), Matta, C. F. (Ed.),Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (pp. 423-472).
[6] Arabi, A. A.; Matta, C. F. (2010) “Energy richness of ATP in terms of atomic energies: A first step”, Chapter 15 in: Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 1), Matta, C. F. (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (pp. 473-498).
[5] Massa, L.; Matta, C. F.; Yonath, A.(), Karle, J.() (2010) “Quantum transition state for peptide bond formation in the ribosome”, Chapter 16 in: Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity (Vol. 2), Matta, C. F. (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (pp. 501-516).
[4] Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J. (2007). “Introduction to the quantum theory of atoms in molecules”, Chapter 1 in: Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules: From Solid State to DNA and Drug Design, Matta, C. F. and Boyd, R. J. (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, pp.1-34.
[3] Matta, C. F. (2006). "Hydrogen-hydrogen bonding: The non-electrostatic limit of closed-shell interaction between two hydrogen atoms. A critical review", Chapter 9 in: Hydrogen Bonding - New Insight, (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics Series), Grabowski S. (Ed.), Springer, pp. 337-375.
[2] Matta C. F. (2005) “Computational chemistry: A powerful and inexpensive tool for basic and applied research in the life sciences”, Chapter 23 in: Discovery to Delivery: BioVision Alexandria 2004 (Proceedings of the World Biological Forum), Serageldin, I. and Persley, G. J. (Eds.), CABI Publishing, pp. 261-272.
[1] Bader, R. F. W.; Matta, C. F.; and Martín, F. J. (2003). “Atoms in medicinal chemistry”, in: Chapter 7 in: Medicinal Quantum Chemistry (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry Series), Alber, F. and Carloni, P. (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 201-232.
[4] Guest Editor: Matta, C. F. (to appear in mid-2017). ”Special Issue: Lou Massa Festschrift - A Path through Quantum Crystallography” Structural Chemistry,in preparation.
[3] Guest Editor: Matta, C. F. (2014). “Special Issue (Part 2 of 2): Philosophical Aspects and Implications of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules” Foundations of Chemistry, Volume 16, Issue 1 (April 2014), pp. 1-84 (4 articles). (Link)
[2] Guest Editor: Matta, C. F. (2013). “Special Issue (Part 1 of 2): Philosophical Aspects and Implications of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules” Foundations of Chemistry, Volume 15, Issue 3 (October 2013), pp.243-341 (8 articles). (Link)
[1] Guest Editor: Matta, C. F. (2011). “Professor Richard F. W. Bader Festschrift” The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Vol. 115, No. 54 (17 November 2011), pp. 12427-13209 (80 articles). (Link)
[87] Matta, C. F. (2016). “La théorie quantique des atomes dans les molécules : une théorie de la chimie dans l'espace réel tridimensionnel” [in French] (The quantum theory of atoms in molecules: A theory of chemistry in the real three-dimensional space), Bulletin de l’union des physiciens (France), submitted.
[86] Matta, C. F. (2016). “El camino de enlace cuarenta años después de su descubrimiento: Una manifestación de los enlaces químicos en el espacio real” [in Spanish] (The bond path forty years after its discovery: A manifestation of chemical bonds in real space), Anales de Química (Spain), submitted.
[85] Matta, C. F. (2016). “Drawing a line under the chemical bond”, ChemistryWorld 13, (No. 10 (October)), 65.
[84] Braden, D. A.; Matta, C. F. (2016). “A QTAIM-based Explanation for the Unusual Synclinal Conformation of Some Substituted Butadienes, Biphenyls, and Styrenes”, submitted.
[83] Rochette, E.; Bouchard, N.; Lavergne, J. L.; Matta, C. F.; Fontaine, F. G. (2016). "Spontaneous reduction of a hydroborane to generate a b-b single bond using a frustrated Lewis pair" Angewandte Chemie International Edition, accepted, in press.
[82] Terrabuio, L. A.; Haiduke, R. L. A.; Matta, C. F. (2016). "Difluorodiazirine (CF2N2): A comparative quantum mechanical study of the first triplet and first singlet excited states" Chemical Physics Letters 655-656, 92-102.
[81] Terrabuio, L. A.; Haiduke, R. L. A.; Matta, C. F. (2016). "Difluorodiazirine (CF2N2): A Quantum Mechanical Study of the Electron Density and ofthe Electrostatic Potential in the Ground- and First Excited-Electronic States" Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 135: 63 (pp. 1-16). (Link)
[80] Terrabuio, L. A.; Teodoro, T. Q.; Matta, C. F.; Haiduke, R. L. A. (2016). "An investigation of non-nuclear attractors in heteronuclear diatomic systems" Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120, 1168-1174. (Link)
[79] Arabi, A. A.; Matta, C. F. (2016). "Bioisosteric groups in methylsquarate and carboxylic acid: The similarities of their electrostatic potentials and average electron densities" Future Medicinal Chemistry 8, 361-371. (Link)
[78] Rodríguez, J. I.; Matta, C. F.; Molina-Brito, B.; Götz A. W. (2016). "A QTAIM topological analysis of the P3HT-PCBM dimer" Chemical Physics Letters 644, 157-162. (Link)
[77] Sumar, I.; Cook, R.; Ayers, P. W.; Matta, C. F. (2016). "Aromaticity of rings-in-molecules (RIMs) from electron localization-delocalization matrices (LDMs)" Physica Scripta 91, 013001 (13 pp). (Link)
[76] Matta, C. F.; Sadjadi, S.; Braden, D. A.; Frenking, G. (2016). "The barrier to the methyl rotation in cis-2-butene and its isomerization energy to trans-2-butene revisited" Journal of Computational Chemistry 37, 143-154. (Link)
[75] Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2015). "The energy equivalence of information in the mitochondrion and the thermodynamic efficiency of ATP synthase" Biochemistry 54, 5376-5378. (Link)
[74] Huang, L.; Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2015). "The kernel energy method (KEM) delivers fast and accurate QTAIM electrostatic charge for atoms in large molecules" Structural Chemistry 26, 1433-1442. (Link)
[73] Sumar, I.; Cook, R.; Ayers, P. W.; Matta, C. F. (2015). "AIMLDM: A Program to Generate and Manipulate Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices (LDMs)" Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1070, 55-67. (Link)
[72] Lecomte, C.; Espinosa, E.; Matta, C. F. (2015). "On atom-atom “short contact” bonding interactions in crystals"; International Union of Crystallography Journal (IUCrJ) 2, 161–163. (Link)
[71] Huang, L.; Matta, C. F.; Wallace, S.; Massa, L.; Bernal, I. (2015). "A unique trapping by crystal forces of a hydronium cation displaying a transition state structure" Comptes Rendus Chimie 18, 511-515. (Link)
[70] Matta, C. F. (2014). "Modeling biophysical and biological properties from the characteristics of the molecular electron density, electron localization and delocalization, and electrostatic potential"; Journal of Computational Chemistry 35, 1165-1198. [Invited “Feature Article”, journal cover theme]. (Link)
[69] Timm, M.; Matta, C. F. (2014). “Primary retention following nuclear recoil in β-decay: Proposed synthesis of a metastable rare gas oxide (38ArO4) from (38ClO4–) and the evolution of chemical bonding over the nuclear transmutation reaction path"; Applied Radiation and Isotopes 94, 206-215. (Link)
[68] Timm, M. J.; Matta, C. F.;* Massa, L.; Huang, L. (2014). “The localization-delocalization matrix and the electron-density-weighted connectivity matrix of a finite graphene nanoribbon reconstructed from kernel fragments” Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118, 11304-11316. (Link)
[67] Sumar, I.; Ayers, P. W.; Matta, C. F. (2014). "Electron localization and delocalization matrices in the prediction of pKa's and UV-wavelengths of maximum absorbance of p-benzoic acids and the definition of super-atoms in molecules" Chemical Physics Letters 612, 190-197. (Link)
[66] Matta, C. F. (2014). "Localization-delocalization matrices: a molecular fingerprinting tool of potential utility in computational medicinal chemistry", Future Medicinal Chemistry 6, 1475-1479. (Link)
[65] Huang, L.; Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2014). "A graphene flake under external electric fields reconstructed from field-perturbed kernels"; Carbon 76, 310-320. (Link)
[64] Dittrich, B.; Matta, C. F. (2014). "Contributions of charge-density research to medicinal chemistry"; International Union of Crystallography Journal (IUCrJ) 1, 457-469. [Invited “Feature Article”] (Link)
[63] Sowlati-Hashjin, S.; Matta, C. F. (2013) "The chemical bond in external electric fields. energies, geometries, and vibrational Stark shifts in diatomic molecules"; Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 144101 (1-14). (Link)
[62] Matta, C. F.; Sowlati-Hashjin, S.; Bandrauk, A. D. (2013). "Dipole moment surfaces of the CH4 + •X → CH3• + HX (X = F, Cl) reactions from atomic dipole moment surfaces, and the origins of the sharp extrema of the dipole moments near the transition states"; Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117, 7468-7483. (Link)
[61] Sadjadi, S.; Matta, C. F.; Hamilton, I. P. (2013). "Chemical bonding in groups 10, 11, and 12 transition metal homodimers: An electron density study", Canadian Journal of Chemistry 91, 583-590. (Link)
[60] Bensasson, R.; Sowlati-Hashjin, S.; Zoete, V.; Dauzonne, D.; Matta, C. F. (2013). "Physicochemical properties of exogenous molecules correlated with their biological efficacy as protectors against carcinogenesis and inflammation", International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 32, 393-434. [Financial reward was received from the journal based on referees’ evaluations] (Link)
[59] Groves, B. R.; Crawford, S. M.; Lundrigan, T.; S. Sowlati-Hashjin; Matta, C. F.; Thompson, A. (2013). " Synthesis and characterisation of the unsubstituteddipyrrin and 4,4-dichloro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene:improved synthesis and functionalisation of thesimplest BODIPY framework ", Chemical Communications 49, 816-818. (Link)
[58] Matta, C. F. (2013). "Philosophical aspects and implications of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM)", Foundations of Chemistry 15, 245-251.(Link)
[57] Bader, R. F. W.; Matta, C. F. (2013). "Atoms in molecules as non-overlapping, bounded, space-filling open quantum systems", Foundations of Chemistry 15, 253-276. (Link)
[56] Bendeif, E.-E.; Matta, C. F.; Stradiotto, M.; Fertey, P.; Lecomte, C. (2012). "Can a formally zwitterionic rhodium(I) complex emulate the charge density of a cationic rhodium(I) complex? A combined synchrotron X-ray and theoretical charge density study", Inorganic Chemistry 51, 3754-3769. (Link)
[55] Wallace, S.; Huang, L.; Matta, C. F.; Massa, L.; Bernal, (2012). I. "New structures of hydronium cation clusters", Comptes Rendus Chimie 15, 700-707. [Cover Feature]. (Link)
[54] Matta, C. F.; Huang, L.; Massa, L. (2012). "Local intense cellular electric fields and their relevance in the computational modeling of biochemical reactions", Future Medicinal Chemistry 4, 1873-1875. (Link)
[53] Arabi, A. A.; Matta, C. F. (2011). “Effects of external electric fields on double proton transfer kinetics in the formic acid dimer”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 13, 13738-13748. (Link)
[52] Matta, C. F.; Sichinga, M.; Ayers, P. W. (2011). “Information theoretic properties from the quantum theory of atoms in molecules” Chemical Physics Letters 514, 379-383.
[51] Sadjadi, A.; Matta, C. F.; Lemke, K.; Hamilton, I. P. (2011). “Relativistic-consistent electron densities of the coinage metal clusters M2, M4, M42-, M4Na2 (M = Cu, Ag, Au): A QTAIM Study” Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 13024–13035. (Link)
[50] Bohorquez, H.; Boyd, R. J.; Matta, C. F. (2011). Molecular model with quantum mechanical bonding information, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 12991–12997. (Link)
[49] Matta, C. F.; Huang, L.; Massa, L. (2011). “The characterization of a trihydrogen bond on the basis of the topology of the electron density”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 12451–12458. (Link)
[48] Huang, L.; Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2011). “Ion induced dipole clusters Hn– (3 ≤ n-odd ≤ 13): Density functional theory calculations of structure and energy”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 12445–12450. (Link)
[47] Matta, C. F.; Arabi, A. A. (2011). “Electron density descriptors as predictors in quantitative structure-to-activity/property-relationships (QSAR/QSPR)”, Future Medicinal Chemistry 3, 969-994. [Invited]. (Link)
[46] Cukrowski, I.; Matta, C. F. (2011). “Protonation sequence of linear aliphatic polyamines from intramolecular atomic energies and charges”, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 966, 213-219. (Link)
[45] Huang, L.; Bohorquez, H.; Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2011). “The kernel energy method: Application to graphene and extended aromatics”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111, 4150–4157. (Link)
[44] Matta, C. F.; Massa, L., Keith T. A. (2011). “Richard F. W. Bader: A True Pioneer”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 12427-12431. (Link)
[43] Matta, C. F.; Massa, L. (2011). “Subsystem quantum mechanics and in-silico medicinal and biological chemistry”, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 3, 1971–1974. (Link)
[42] Matta, C. F.; Massa, L; Gubskaya, V. A.; Knoll, E. (2011) “Can one take the logarithm or the sine of a dimensioned quantity or a unit? Dimensional analysis involving transcendental functions”, Journal of Chemical Education 88, 67–70. (Link)
[41] Cukrowski, I; Matta, C. F. (2010). “Hydrogen-hydrogen bonding: A stabilizing interaction in strained chelating rings of metal complexes in aqueous phase”, Chemical Physics Letters 499 66–69. (Link)
[40] Walker, V. E. J.; Castillo, N.; Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J. (2010) “The effect of multiplicity on the size of iron (II) and the structure of iron (II) porphyrins”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114, 10315–10319. (Link)
[39] Matta, C. F.; Arabi, A. A.; Weaver, D. F. (2010). “The bioisosteric similarity of the tetrazole and carboxylate anions: Clues from the topologies of the electrostatic potential and of the electron density”, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45, 1868–1872. (Link)
[38] Matta, C. F. (2010). “How dependent are molecular and atomic properties on the electronic structure method? Comparison of Hartree-Fock, DFT, and MP2 on a biologically-relevant set of molecules”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31, 1297-1311. (Link)
[37] Bohórquez, H. J.; Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J. (2010). “The localized electron detector as an ab initio representation of molecular structures”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110, 2418-2425. (Link)
[36] Arabi, A. A.; Matta, C. F. (2009). “Where is electronic energy stored in an adenosine triphosphate?”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 3360-3368. [Cover Feature]. (Link)
[35] Matta, C. F.; Arabi, A., Keith, T. A. (2007). “Atomic contributions to the dissociation energy of the P-O(H) Bond in hydrogen phosphate anion (HPO42-): Disentangling the effect of Mg2+”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111, 8864-8872. (Link)
[34] Taylor, A.; Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J. (2007). “The hydrated electron as a pseudo-atom in cavity-bound water clusters”, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 3, 1054-1063. (Link)
[33] Hernández-Trujillo, J.; Matta C. F. (2007). “Hydrogen-hydrogen bonding in biphenyl revisited”, Structural Chemistry 18, 849-857. (Link)
[32] Wolstenholme, D.; Matta, C. F.; Cameron, T. S. (2007). “Experimental and theoretical charge density study of a highly twisted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: 4-Methyl-[4]helicene”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111, 8803-8813. (Link)
[31] Matta, C. F., Castillo, N., Boyd, R. J. (2006). “Atomic contributions to bond dissociation energies in aliphatic hydrocarbons”, Journal of Chemical Physics. 125, 204103-(1-13). (Link)
[30] Zhurova, E. A.; Matta, C. F.; Wu, N.; Chen, Y.-S., Pinkerton, A. A. (2006). “Experimental and theoretical electron density study of estrone”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, 8849-8861. (Link)
[29] Bandrauk, A. D.; Sedik, E. S.; Matta, C. F. (2006). “Laser control of reaction paths in ion-molecule reactions”, Molecular Physics, 104, 95-102. (Link)
[28] Matta, C. F.; Castillo, N.; Boyd, R. J. (2006). “Extended weak bonding interactions in DNA: pi-stacking (base-base), base-backbone, and backbone-backbone interactions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 563-578. (Link)
[27] Matta, C. F.; Bader, R. F. W. (2006). “An experimentalist’s reply to ‘What is an atom in a molecule?’ ”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110, 6365-6371. (Link)
[26] Dobrin, S.; Harikumar, K. R.; Matta, C. F.; Polanyi, J. C.() (2005). “An STM study of the localized atomic reaction of 1,2 and 1,4-dibromoxylene at Si(111) 7x7”, Surface Science 580, 39-50. (Link)
[25] Matta, C. F.; Castillo, N.; Boyd, R. J. (2005). “Characterization of a closed-shell fluorine-fluorine bonding interaction in aromatic compounds on the basis of the electron density”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A; 109, 3669-3681. (Link)
[24] Castillo, N.; Matta, C. F.; Boyd, R. J. (2005). “Fluorine-fluorine spin-spin coupling constants: Correlations with the delocalization index and with the internuclear separation”, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; 45, 354-359. (Link)
[23] Castillo, N., Matta, C. F., Boyd, R. J. (2005). “The first example of a cage critical point in a single ring: A novel twisted α-helical ring topology”, Chemical Physics Letters; 409, 265-269. (Link)
[22] Matta, C. F.; Polanyi, J. C. (2004). “Effect of adatom-to-adatom separation on the reactivity of dihalobenzenes at Si(111)7´7 surfaces: chemistry on a peg-board”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 362, 1185-1194 (10). (Link)
[21] Bandrauk, A. D.; Sedik, E. S.; Matta, C. F. (2004) “Effect of absolute laser phase on reaction paths in laser-induced chemical reactions”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 7764-7775. (Link)
[20] Bader, R. F. W.; Matta, C. F.; Cortés-Guzmán, F. (2004). “Where to draw the line in defining a molecular structure”, Organometallics, 23, 6253-6263. (Link)
[19] Bader, R. F. W; Matta, C. F. (2004). “Atomic charges are measurable quantum expectation values: A rebuttal of criticisms of QTAIM charges“, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108, 8385-8394. (Link)
[18] Matta, C. F.; Hernández-Trujillo, J.; Tang, T.-H.; and Bader, R. F. W. (2003). “Hydrogen-hydrogen bonding: a stabilizing interaction in molecules and crystals”, Chemistry - A European Journal 9, 1940-1951. [Cover Feature] (Link)
[17] Matta, C. F. and Hernández-Trujillo, J. (2003). “Bonding in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in terms of the electron density and of the electron pair density”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107, 7496-7504. (Link)
[16] Wang, Y.-G.; Matta, C. F.; Werstiuk, N. H. (2003). “Comparison of localization and delocalization indices obtained with Hartree-Fock and conventional correlated methods: Effect of Coulomb correlation”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 24, 1720-1729. (Link)
[15] Matta, C. F. and Bader, R. F. W. (2003). “Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically-encoded amino acids. III. Bond and atomic properties and their correlations with experiment including mutation-induced changes in protein stability and genetic coding”, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 52, 360-399. [Cover, ranked “Exceptional” by the Faculty of 100 (F1000)]. (Link)
[14] Matta, C. F. (2003). “Application of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules to selected physicochemical and biophysical problems: focus on correlation with experiment”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 24, 453-462. [Invited Paper].
[13] Matta, C. F.; Cow, C. N.; and Harrison, P. H. M. (2003). “Twisted amides: x-ray crystallographic and theoretical study of two acylated glycolurils with aromatic substituents” Journal of Molecular Structure 660, 81-97. (Link)
[12] Matta, C. F.; Hernández-Trujillo, J.; and Bader, R. F. W. (2002). “Proton spin-spin coupling and electron delocalization”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106, 7369-7375. (Link)
[11] Matta, C. F. and Bader, R. F. W. (2002). “Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically- encoded amino acids. II. Computational study of molecular geometries”, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 48, 519-538. (Link)
[10] Matta, C. F. and Gillespie, R. J. (2002). “Understanding and interpreting molecular electron density distributions”, Journal of Chemical Education 79, 1141-1152. (Link)
[9] Matta, C. F. (2001). “Theoretical reconstruction of the electron density of large molecules from fragments determined as proper open quantum systems: The properties of morphine, the oripavine PEO, and enkephalins”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, 11088-11101. (Link) [Cover Feature, C&EN Cover Story, issue of 8 Oct. 2001, p. 44 (Link)].
[8] Bader, R. F. W. and Matta, C. F. (2001). “Properties of atoms in crystals: dielectric polarization”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 85, 592-607. (Link)
[7] Bader, R. F. W.; Matta, C. F. (2001). “Bonding to titanium”, Inorganic Chemistry 40, 5603-5611. (Link)
[6] Duspara, P. A.; Matta, C. F.; Jenkins, S. I.; and Harrison, P. H. M. (2001). “Twisted amides: Synthesis and structure of 1,6-dipivaloyl-3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-2,5-dithioglycoluril”, Organic Letters 3, 495-498. (Link)
[5] Gillespie, R. J. and Matta, C. F. (2001). “Teaching the VSEPR model and electron densities”, Chemistry Education: Research and Practice In Europe 2, 73-90. (Link)
[4] Matta, C. F. and Bader, R. F. W. (2000). “An atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically-encoded amino acids. I. Effects of conformation and of tautomerization on geometric, atomic, and bond properties”, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 40, 310-329. (Link)
[3] Matta, C. F.; Cow, C. C., Sun, S.; Britten, J. F.; and Harrison, P. H. M. (2000). “Twisted amides: Crystal and optimized structures, and molecular geometry analysis of 1-acetyl-3,4,7,8-tetramethylglycoluril and1,6-diacetyl-3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-glycoluril”, Journal of Molecular Structure 523, 241-255.
[2] Sun, S.; Britten, J. F.; Cow, C. C.; Matta, C. F.; and Harrison, P. H. M. (1998). “The crystal structure of 3,4,7,8-tetramethylglycoluril”, Canadian Journal of Chemistry 76, 301-306. (Link)
[1] Matta, C. F. (1991). “L'effet tunnel : quelques applications”, Bulletin de l'Union des physiciens (BUP) 85 (No. 734), 737-749. (in French). (Link)
[3] Sumar, I.; Cook, R.; Ayers, P. W.; Matta, C. F. (2015). AIMLDM: Program to Generate and Manipulate Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices (LDMs) (Written in Python). (http://www.cmatta.ca/software/).
[2] Matta, C. F. (2001). QCPE 0801. FRAGDIP: Program to calculate functional group contributions to the molecular dipole moment (Code written in Pascal). (Distributed by the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange (QCPE), University of Indiana: (http://qcpe.chem.indiana.edu/; http://www.cmatta.ca/software/).)
[1] Matta, C. F. (2001). QCPE 0802. AIMDELOC: Program to calculate electron localization and delocalization indices (Written as a UNIX shell script). (Distributed by the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange (QCPE), University of Indiana: (http://qcpe.chem.indiana.edu/; http://www.cmatta.ca/software/).)
Mes prix et distinctions
- 2016 Lady Davis Fellowship Award (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Lady Davis Fellowship Trust, Israel.
2016 La preuve par l’image, Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Québec.
2010 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.
2009 MGMS Silver Jubilee Prize, Molecular Graphics and Molecular Simulation Society (MGMS), UK.
2004 John Charles Polanyi Prize in Chemistry, Council of Ontario Universities (COU), The Government of Ontario, Canada.
2004–2006 Izaak Walton Killam Fellow (Chemistry), The Killam Trusts, Canada.
2005, 2003 BioVision-Next Science Fellow “Bio-Leaders of Tomorrow”, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) & The World Life Science Forum.
2003–2004 Chemistry Teaching Fellowship Award, University of Toronto, Canada.
2004, 2001 IUCr Young Scientist Travel Awards International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).
2003 Dept. of Chemistry Nominee for the University Distinguished Thesis Award, McMaster University, Canada.
2001 Finalist: Schrödinger Prize, American Chemical Society and the Chemical Computing Group, Inc.
2001 Finalists: “Dean of Science Award for Academic Excellence in Graduate Work”, School of Graduate Studies, McMaster University.
2001 Centennial Scholarships for Academic Excellence McMaster University, Canada.
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Mes affiliations
- • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, USA) (Member since 2016). <br> • American Physical Society (APS, USA) (Member since 2016). <br> • Institute of Physics (IoP, UK) (Member since 2016). <br> • Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas)(Member since 2016). <br> • Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) (Fellow, elected in 2010). <br> • Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (USA) (Member, elected in 2005) <br> • American Chemical Society (ACS, USA) (Member since 2001) <br> • The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC, Canada) (Member since 2003) <br> • Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC, Canada) (Member since 2003). <br> • Canadian Society of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB, Canada) (Regional Representative since 2010).