Pierre Thibault est professeur de chimie et chercheur principal à l’Institut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologie (IRIC) à l’Université de Montréal ou il dirige l’unité de recherche en protéomique. Il est titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en protéomique et spectrométrie de masse bioanalytique à l’Université de Montréal. Son laboratoire utilise des approches de protéomique quantitative et de spectrométrie de masse pour étudier les mécanismes moléculaires et les modifications post-traductionnelles, régissant les fonctions de protéines impliquées dans l’immunité et la signalisation dans les cellules.
Les travaux du Dr Thibault et de son équipe ont permis le développement de nouvelles approches en protéomique pour identifier et quantifier les protéines et leurs modifications post-traductionnelles (e.g. phosphorylation, acétylation, sumoylation, ubiquitylation) présents en faible abondance dans les extraits cellulaires. Ces outils sont utilisés dans différents programmes de recherche pour élucider des mécanismes biologiques complexes tels la biogenèse d’organites cellulaires, la signalisation chez les cellules cancéreuses et la présentation d’antigènes par les complexes majeurs d’histocompatibilité de classe I dans la réponse immunitaire.
Mes liens avec l'Acfas
CoresponsablePrincipal secteur de recherche ou d'activité
Mes intérêts de recherche
Chimie Immunologie Biochimie Biologie et autres sciences connexesMa formation
1978Université de MontréalBaccalauréat | ChimieCanada
1983Université de MontréalDoctorat | Chimie analytiqueCanada
1987Conseil National de Recherche du Canada, Institut de Recherche en BiotechnologiePostdoctorat | Spectrometrie de masse bioanalytiqueCanada
Mes publications
1. Capillary electrophoresis of carbohydrates, ed. by P. Thibault and S. Honda, Humana Press, 2003.
Chapitres de livre
F. McManus, P. Thibault, “Identification of SUMOylated and Ubiquitylated Substrates by Mass Spectrometry”, in “Sumoylation and Ubiquitylation: Current and Emerging Concepts, Van G. Wilson Ed, Caister Academic Publishing, sous presse.
E. Bonneil, S. Brunet, M. Jaquinod, J.P.M. Hui, A. Forest, P. Thibault, “Mass spectrometry-based proteomics analyses of integral membrane proteins”, 2012, in “Sample Preparation in Biological Mass Spectrometry”, pp 691-714, A. Lazarev & A. Ivanov Eds., Springer.
M. Ghitun, E.Bonneil, C. Pomies, M. Marcantonio, H. Yin, K. Killeen, P. Thibault “Modular microfluidics devices combining multi-dimensional separations; Applications to targeted proteomics analyses of complex cellular extracts”, in Miniaturization and Mass Spectrometry, Eds. S. LeGac, A. van den Berg RSC publishing, pp.173-197, (2009).
J. Li, A. Martin, A.D. Cox, E.R. Moxon, J.C. Richards, P. Thibault, “Mapping bacterial glycolipid complexity using capillary electrophoresis and electrospray mass spectrometry”, Methods in enzymology, 405, 369-397 (2005).
J, Li, T.-L. Tremblay, D.J. Harrison, P. Thibault, “Integrated system for rapid proteomics analyses using microfluidics devices coupled to nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry”, in Capillary electrophoresis of proteins and peptides, Ed. M.Strege, Humana Press, 276, 305-324 (2004).
D.J. Harrison, R.D. Oleschuk, P. Thibault, “Microfluidic systems for analysis of the proteome with mass Spectrometry”, in “Lab-on-a-Chip: Miniaturized systems for (bio) chemical analysis and synthesis”, E. Oosterbroek, A. van den Berg Eds., Elsevier p. 249-270 (2003).
P. Thibault, J.C. Richards, “Application of combined capillary electrophoresis electrospray mass spectrometry in the characterization of short-chain lipopolysaccharides: Haemophilus influenzae”, Lipopolysaccharides, Ed. H. Brade, Humana Press, 2001.
P. Thibault, A. Martin, M. Gilbert, W.W. Wakarchuk, J.C. Richards, “Analysis of bacterial glycolipids by capillary electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry; Application to the analysis of Haemophilus and Neiseria lipopolysaccharides”, Capillary electrophoresis of carbohydrates, Ed. S. Honda, P. Thibault, Humana Press, p. 241, 2003.
K.P. Bateman, J.F. Kelly, P. Thibault, L. Ramaley, R. White, “Glycoprotein analysis by capillary electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry” Capillary electrophoresis of carbohydrates, Ed. S. Honda, P. Thibault, Humana Press, p. 219, 2003.
S. Suzuki, J.F. Kelly, S.J. Locke, P. Thibault, S. Honda, “Derivatization of carbohydrates”, Capillary electrophoresis of carbohydrates, Ed. S. Honda, P. Thibault, Humana Press, p.41, 2003.
S. Suzuki, M. Perry, P. Thibault, S. Honda, “Structures of carbohydrates found in animals and bacteria”, Capillary electrophoresis of carbohydrates, Ed. S. Honda, P. Thibault, Humana Press, p.285, 2003.
P. Thibault, J. Li, A. Martin, J.C. Richards, D.W. Hood, E.R. Moxon “Electrophoretic and mass spectrometric strategies for the identification of lipopolysaccharides and immunodeterminants in pathogenic strains of Haemophilus influenzae; Application to clinical isolates”, Mass spectrometry in Medicine and Biology, Humana Press, A. Burlingame, S. Carr, M.T. Bowers Eds., (2000).
P. Thibault, N. Dovichi, "General instrumentation and detection systems including mass spectrometric interfaces”, in Capillary electrophoresis, 2nd Ed. (P. Camilleri, Ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (1998).
Thibault P., Watson D.C., Yaguchi M., Young N.M., “Mass spectrometric characterisation of C-terminal “ragged ends” in peanut agglutinin”, in Techniques in protein chemistry IV, (R.H. Angeletti, Ed.), Academic Press, 1993, pp.91-98
Pleasance S., Thibault P., “Interfacing capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry”, in “capillary electrophoresis”, (P. Camilleri, Ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (1993), pp.311-369 and 484-487.
Quilliam M.A., Ayer S., Pleasance S., Sim P.G., Thibault P., Marr J.C. “Recent developments in the instrumental analysis of marine toxins” in Seafood science and technology, Bligh E.G. (Ed), Fishing News books, Blackwell scientific publications, Oxford, U.K., Chapter 41, p. 376 (1992).
X. Cheng, O. Jobin-Robitaille, Pierre Billon, R. Buisson, H. Niu, N. Lacoste, N. Abshiru, V. Côté, P. Thibault, S. J. Krone, P. Sung, C. J. Brand, J.-Y. Masson, J. Côté, “Phospho-dependent recruitment of the yeast NuA4 acetyltransferase complex by MRX at DNA breaks regulates RPA dynamics during resection, PNAS 115,10028 (2018).
Kanshin E, Pascariu M, Tyers M, D'Amours D, Thibault P.*, A combined enrichment/enzymatic approach to study tightly clustered multi-site phosphorylation on Ser-rich domains, J. Prot. Res., 17, 3050 (2018).
Pfammatter S, Bonneil E, McManus FP, Prasad S, Bailey DJ, Belford M, Dunyach JJ, Thibault P.*, “A novel differential ion mobility device expands the depth of proteome coverage and the sensitivity of multiplex proteomic measurements”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 17, 2051 (2018).
Kim SM, Nguyen TT, Ravi A, Kubiniok P, Finicle BT, Jayashankar V, Malacrida L, Hou J, Robertson J, Gao D, Chernoff J, Digman MA, Potma EO, Tromberg BJ, Thibault P, Edinger AL, “PTEN Deficiency and AMPK Activation Promote Nutrient Scavenging and Anabolism in Prostate Cancer Cells, Cancer Discov. 8, 866 (2018).
Thibault P., Meet the Editors: A career in Mass Spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom., 32, 1320 (2018).
Maroui M.A., Maarifi G., McManus F.P., Lamoliatte F., Thibault P.*, Chelbi-Alix M.K.*, “PML requirement for interferon-induced global cellular SUMOylation”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 17, 1196 (2018).
McManus F.P.#, Bourdeau V. #, Acevedo M., Lopes-Paciencia, S., Mignacca L., Lamoliatte F., Rojas Pino J.W., Ferbeyre G.*, Thibault P.*, “Quantitative SUMO proteomics reveals the modulation of several PML nuclear body associated proteins and an anti-senescence function of UBC9”, Scientific Rep., 17, 7754 (2018)
Lanoix J., Durette C., Courcelles M., Cossette, E., Comtois-Marotte S., Hardy M.-P., Côté C., Perreault C.*, Thibault P.*, Comparison of the MHC I immunopeptidome repertoire of B-cell lymphoblasts using two isolation methods, Proteomics, 18, e1700251 (2018).
Pfammatter, S., Bonneil, E., McManus, F., Thibault, P.*, “Gas-phase enrichment of multiply-charged peptide ions by differential ion mobility extend the comprehensiveness of SUMO proteome analyses”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 29, 1111 (2018)
El Kasmi I, Khadivjam B, Lackman M, Duron J, Bonneil E, Thibault P, Lippé R, “Extended Synaptotagmin 1 Interacts with Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Glycoprotein M and Negatively Modulates Virus-Induced Membrane Fusion”, J. Virol, 92, e01281-17 (2018).
McManus, F. Lamoliatte, F., Thibault P.*, “Identification of crosstalk between SUMOylation and ubiquitylation using a sequential peptide immunopurification approach, Nature Protocols, 12, 2342 (2017).
N. Bloy, P. Garcia, C.M. Laumont, J.M. Pitt, A. Sistigu, G. Stoll, T. Yamazaki, E. Bonneil, A. Buqué, J. Humeau, J.W. Drijfhout, G. Meurice, S. Walter, J. Fritsche, T. Weinschenk, H.G. Rammensee, C. Melief, P. Thibault, C. Perreault, J. Pol, L. Zitvogel, L. Senovilla, G. Kroemer, “Immunogenic stress and death of cancer cells: Contribution of antigenicity vs adjuvanticity to immunosurveillance”, Immunol. Rev. 280, 165 (2017).
Shao W, Pedrioli PGA, Wolski W, Scurtescu C, Schmid E, Vizcaíno JA, Courcelles M, Schuster H, Kowalewski D, Marino F, Arlehamn CSL, Vaughan K, Peters B, Sette A, Ottenhoff THM, Meijgaarden KE, Nieuwenhuizen N, Kaufmann SHE, Schlapbach R, Castle JC, Nesvizhskii AI, Nielsen M, Deutsch EW, Campbell DS, Moritz RL, Zubarev RA, Ytterberg AJ, Purcell AW, Marcilla M, Paradela A, Wang Q, Costello CE, Ternette N, van Veelen PA, van Els CACM, Heck AJR, de Souza GA, Sollid LM, Admon A, Stevanovic S, Rammensee HG, Thibault P, Perreault C, Bassani-Sternberg M, Aebersold R, Caron E “The systeMHC atlas project”, Nucleic Acids Res., 46, D1237-1247 (2018).
El Kasmi I, Khadivjam B, Lackman M, Duron J, Bonneil E, Thibault P, Lippé R, “Extended synaptotagmin 1 interacts with the Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein M and negatively modulates virus-induced membrane fusion”, J. Virol., in press.
Hasilo CP, Negi S, Allaeys I, Cloutier N, Rutman AK1, Gasparrini M, Bonneil É, Thibault P, Boilard É, Paraskevas S, “Presence of diabetes autoantigens in extracellular vesicles derived from human islets”, Sci Rep., 7, 5000 (2017).
Courcelles, J. Coulombe-Huntington, É. Cossette, A.C. Gingras, P. Thibault, M. Tyers, “CLMSVault: A Software Suite for Protein Cross-Linking Mass-Spectrometry Data Analysis and Visualization”, J. Proteome Res., 16, 2645 (2017).
E. Kanshin, S. Giguere, J. Cheng, M.D. Tyers*, P. Thibault*, “Machine learning of global phosphoproteomic profiles enables discrimination of direct versus indirect kinase substrates, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 16, 786 (2017).
P. Kubiniok, H. Lavoie, M. Therrien*, P. Thibault*, “Time-resolved phosphoproteome analysis of paradoxical RAF activation reveals novel targets of ERK”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 16, 663 (2017).
F. Lamoliatte, F.M. McManus, G. Maarifi, M.K. Chelbi-Alix*, P. Thibault*, “Uncovering the SUMOylation and Ubiquitylation Crosstalk in Human Cells Using Sequential Peptide Immunopurification, Nature Commun., 8:14109 (2017).
H. Pearson, T .Daouda, D.P. Granados, C. Durette, E. Bonneil, M. Courcelles, A. Rodenbrock, J.P. Laverdure, C. Côté, S. Mader, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, C.Perreault*, “MHC class I-associated peptides derive from selective regions of the human genome”, J. Clin. Invest., 126, 4690 (2016)
S. Pfammatter, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault*, “Improvement of quantitative measurements in multiplex proteomics using high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry”, J. Proteome Res., 15, 4653 (2016).
N.A. Nagarajan, D.A. deVerteuil, D. Sriranganadane, W. Yahyaoui, P. Thibault, C. Perreault, N. Shastri, “ERAAP Shapes the Peptidome Associated with Classical and Nonclassical MHC Class I Molecules”, J. Immunol., 197, 1035 (2016).
V. Bachmann, J.E. Mayrhofer, R. Llouz, P. Tschaikner, P. Raffeiner, R. Rock, M. Courcelles, Apelt, T-W. Lu, P. Thibault, P. Aanstad, U. Stelzl, S.S. Taylor, E. Stefan, “GPR161 anchoring of PKA consolidates GPCR and cAMP signaling”, P.N.A.S, 113, 7786 (2016).
J.A. Gross, C. Nagy, L. Lin, É. Bonneil, M. Maheu, P. Thibault, N. Mechawar, P. Jin, G. Turecki, Global and Site-Specific Changes in 5-Methylcytosine and 5-Hydroxymethyl cytosine after Extended Post-mortem Interval, Front in Genetics, 7, 120 (2016).
R. Riskal, E. Schrepfer, G. Arena, M. Y. Cissé, F. Bellvert, M. Heuillet, F. Rambow, E. Bonneil, F. Sabourdy, C. Vincent, I. Ait-Arsa, T. Levade, P. Thibault, J.-C. Marine, J.-C. Portais, J.-E. Sarry, L. Le Cam, L. K. Linares, “Chromatin-Bound MDM2 Regulates Serine Metabolism and Redox Homeostasis Independently of p53”, 62,890 (2016).
V. Kota, G. Sommer, C. Durette, P. Thibault, E. A. van Niekerk, J. L. Twiss, T. Heise*, SUMO-modification of the La protein facilitates binding to mRNA in vitro and in cell, PLoS One, 11(5), e0156365 (2016).
N. Abshiru, R.E. Rajan, A. Verreault, P. Thibault*, " Unraveling Site-Specific and Combinatorial Histone Modifications Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Histone Deacetylase Mutants of Fission Yeast”, J. Prot. Res., 15, 2132 (2016).
F. McManus, C. Desroches Altamirano, P. Thibault*, In vitro assay to determine SUMOylation sites on protein substrate, Nature protocols, 11, 387 (2016).
D. Granados#, A. Rodenbrock#, J.-P. Laverdure, C. Côté, O. Caron-Lizotte, C. Carli, H. Pearson, V. Janelle, C. Durette, É. Bonneil, D.-C. Roy, J.-S. Delisle, S. Lemieux*, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, Proteogenomic-based discovery of minor histocompatibility antigens with suitable features for immunotherapy of hematologic cancers, Leukemia, 30, 1344-1354 (2016)
C.M. Laumont, T. Douada, J.-P. Laverdure, E. Bonneil, O. Caron-Lizotte, M.P. Hardy, D.P. Granados, C. Durette, S. Lemieux*, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, Global proteogenomic analysis of human MHC class I-associated peptides derived from non-canonical reading frames, Nature Commun., 7;10238 (2016)
M. Dieude#, C. Bell#, J. Turgeon, D. Beillevaire, L Pomerleau, B. Yang, K. Hamelin, S. Qi, N. Pallet, C. Beland, J.F. Cailhier, M. Rousseau, C. Rondeau, D. Gingras, C. Perreault, M. Desjardins, E. Boilard, P. Thibault*, M.J. Hebert*, “The 20S proteasome core, active within apoptotic exosome-like vesicles, induces autoantibody production and accelerates rejection”, Science Translational Medicine, 7, 317ra200 (2015).
N. Abshiru#, O. Caron-Lizotte#, R.E. Rajan#, A. Jamai, C. Pomies, A. Verreault*, P. Thibault*, Discovery of protein acetylation patterns by deconvolution of peptide isomer mass spectra, Nature Commun., 6, 8648 (2015).
E. Bonneil, S. Pfammatter, P. Thibault*, “Enhancement of mass spectrometry performance for proteomic analyses using High-Field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS)”. Invited review in J. Mass Spectrom. 50, 1181-1195 (2015).
E. Kanshin, M. Tyers, P. Thibault*, Sample collection method bias effects in quantitative phosphoproteomics, J. Prot. Res, 14, 2998-3004 (2015).
E. Kanshin#, P. Kubiniok#, Y. Thattikota, D. D’Amours, P. Thibault*, Phosphoproteome dynamics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under heat shock and cold stress, Mol. Syst. Biol., 11, 813 (2015).
J. Gagnon, S. Daou, N. Zamorano, N.VG Ianantuono, I. Hammond-Martel, N. Mashtalir, E. Bonneil, H. Wurtele, P. Thibault, E. B. Affar*, Undetectable Histone O-GlcNAcylation in Mammalian Cells, Epigenetics, 10, 677-91 (2015).
D.C. Jeffery, N. Kakusho, Z You, M. Gharib, B Wyse, E. Drury, M. Weinreich, P. Thibault, A. Verreault, H. Masai, K. Yankulov*, CDC28 phosphorylates Cac1p and regulates the association of chromatin assembly factor 1 with chromatin, Cell Cycle, 14, 74-85 (2015).
D. Paola Granados, C. Laumont, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, The nature of self for T cells - A systems-level perspective, Current Opinion in Immunology, 34, 1-8 (2015).
A. Simoneau, N Delgoshaie, I. Celic, J. Dai, N. Abshiru, S. Costantino, P. Thibault, J.D. Boeke, A Verreault, H. Wurtele, Interplay between histone H3 lysine 56 deacetylation and chromatin modifiers in response to DNA damage, Genetics, 200, 185-205 (2015).
E. Kanshin#, L.-P. Bergeron-Sandoval#, S. Sinan Isik, P. Thibault*, S. Michnick*, A Cell Signaling Network Temporally Resolves Specific versus Promiscuous Phosphorylation, Cell Reports, 10, 1202-14 (2015).
F. Lamoliatte#, D. Caron#, C. Durette, L. Mahrouche, M. A. Maroui, O. Caron-Lizotte, E. Bonneil, M.K. Chelbi-Alix*, P. Thibault*, Large-scale analysis of lysine SUMOylation by SUMO remnant immunoaffinity profiling, Nature Commun. 5, 5409 (2014).
G., Laflamme, T. Tremblay-Boudreault, MA Roy, P Andersen, E Bonneil, K Atchia, P. Thibault, D. D'Amours, BH Kwok, Structural Maintenance of Chromosome (SMC) Proteins Link Microtubule Stability to Genome Integrity, J. Biol. Chem, 289, 27418-31 (2014)
N Zaman, G Paresa, S Chowdhury, E Bonneil, P Thibault, E Wang, M Trifiro, M Paliouras, Proteomic-coupled-network analysis of T877A-androgen receptor interactomes can predict clinical prostate cancer outcomes between White (non-Hispanic) and African-American groups, PLoS One, 9(11), e113190 (2014).
ME Bordeleau, R Aucagne, J Chagraoui, S Girard, N Mayotte, E Bonneil , P. Thibault, C. Pabst, A Bergeron, F Barabé, J Hébert, M Sauvageau, C Boutonnet, S Meloche, G Sauvageau, UBAP2L is a novel BMI1-interacting protein essential for hematopoietic stem cell activity, Blood., 124, 2362-9 (2014)
J.A. Galan, K.M. Geraghty, G. Lavoie, E. Kanshin, J. Tcherkezian, V. Calabrese, G.R. Jeschke, B.E. Turk, B.A. Balli, J. Blenis, P. Thibault, P.P. Roux, Phosphoproteomic analysis identifies the tumor suppressor PDCD4 as a RSK substrate negatively regulated by 14-3-3, PNAS, 111, E2918-27 (2014).
D. Paola Granados#, D. Sriranganadane#, T. Daouda#, A. Zieger, C. M. Laumont, O. Caron-Lizotte, G. Boucher, M.-P. Hardy, P. Gendron, C. Côté, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, Impact of Genomic Polymorphisms on the Repertoire of Human MHC Class I-Associated Peptides, Nature Commun. 2014 Apr 9;5:3600. doi: 10.1038
N. Desgolshaie, X Tang, E.D. Kanshin, E.C. Williams, A.D. Rudner, P. Thibault, M. Tyers, A. Verreault, Regulation of the histone deacetylase Hst3 by cyclin-dependent kinases and the ubiquitin ligase SCFCdc4, J. Biol. Chem., 289, 43-49 (2014).
M. Buscarlet, V. Krasteva, L. Ho, C. Simon, J. Hébert, B. Wilhelm, G.R. Crabtree, G. Sauvageau, P. Thibault, J.A. Lessard, Essential role of BRG, the ATPase subunit of BAF chromatin remodeling complexes, in leukemia maintenance. Blood. 123, 1720-8 (2014).
M.A. Germain, L. Chatel-Chaix, B. Gagné, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, F. Pradezynski, B. de Chassey, L. Meyniel-Schicklin, V. Lotteau, M. Baril, D. Lamarre, Elucidating novel hepatitis C virus-host interactions using combined mass spectrometry and functional genomics approaches, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 13, 184-203 (2014).
P.P. Roux, P Thibault*, The coming of age of phosphoproteomics; from large data sets to inference of protein functions. Mol. Cell Proteomics, 12, 3453 (2013).
K. Vincent, M._P. Hardy, A. Trofimov, C.M. Laumont, D. Sriranganadane, S. Hadj-Mimoune, I. Salem Fourati, H. Soudeyns, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, Rejection of mouse leukemic cells requires antigen-specific T cells with high functional avidity, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 20, 37-45 (2014).
R. Fonseca-Maldonado, A. Maller, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, C Botelho-Machado, RJ Ward, L Plolizeli, Biochemical properties of glycosylation and characterization of a histidine acid phosphatase (phytase) expressed in Pichia pastoris, Protein Expr Purif, 99, 43-49 (2014)
L. Chatel-Chaix, M.A. Germain, A. Motorina, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, M. Baril, D. Lamarre, A host YB-1 ribonucleoprotein complex is hijacked by hepatitis C virus for the control of NS3-dependent particle production, J. virol., 87, 11704-20 (2013).
I.N. Soares, FA Caetano, J Pinder, B Roz Rodrigues, FH Beraldo, VG Ostapchenko, C Durette, G Schenatto Pereira, MH Lopes, N Queiroz-Hazarbassanov, IW Cunha, PI Sanematsu, S Suzuki, LF Bleggi-Torres, C Schild-Poulter, P Thibault, G Dellaire, VR Martins, VF Prado, MA. Prado, Regulation of stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1 nuclear retention by PIAS1, Mol. Cell Proteomics, 12, 3253 (2013).
C. Bell, L. English, J. Boulais, M. Chemali, O. Caron-Lizotte, M. Desjardins, P. Thibault*, Quantitative proteomics reveals the induction of mitophagy in TNF-a activated macrophages, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 12, 2394 (2013).
F. Lamoliatte, E. Bonneil, C. Durette, O. Caron-Lizotte, D. Wildemann, J. Zerweck, H. Wenshuk, P. Thibault*, Targeted identification of SUMOylation sites in human proteins using affinity enrichment and paralog-specific reporter ions, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 12, 2536 (2013).
E. Kanshin, S.W. Michnick, P. Thibault*, Displacement of N/Q-rich Peptides on TiO2 Beads Enhances the depth and coverage of yeast phosphoproteome analyses, J. Prot. Res., 12, 2905 (2013).
P. Wang, J. A. Galan, K. Normandin, E. Bonneil, G. R. Hickson, P. P. Roux, P. Thibault, V. Archambault, Cell Cycle Regulation of Greatwall Kinase Nuclear Localization Facilitates Mitotic Progression, J. Cell Biol., 202, 277 (2013).
R Fonseca-Maldonado, DS Vieira, JS Alponti, E Bonneil, P Thibault, RJ Ward, Engineering the pattern of protein glycosylation modulates the themostability of a GH11 xylanase, J. Biol. Chem, 288, 25522-25534 (2013).
M. Courcelles#, C. Frémin#, L. Voisin, S. Lemieux, S. Meloche*, P. Thibault*, Phosphoproteome dynamics reveal novel ERK1/2 MAP kinase substrates with broad spectrum of functions, Mol. Syst. Biol., 9, 669 (2013).
C. Bell, M. Desjardins, P. Thibault, K. Radtke, Proteomics Analysis of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-Infected Cells Reveals Dynamic Changes of Viral Protein Expression, Ubiquitylation, and Phosphorylation, J. Prot, Res., 12, 1820-1829 (2013).
N. Abshiru, K. Ippersiel, Y. Tang, H. Yuan, R. Marmorstein, A. Verreault*, P.Thibault*, Chaperone-mediated acetylation of histone by Rtt109 identified by quantitative proteomics, J. Proteomics, 81, 80-90 (2013).
K. Beckett, S. Monier, L. Palmer, C. Alexandre, H. Green, E. Bonneil, G. Raposo, P. Thibault, R. Le Borgne, J.P.Vincent, Drosophila S2 cells secrete wingless on exosome-like vesicles but the wingless gradient forms independently of exosomes, Traffic, 14, 82-96 (2013).
N. Pallet, I. Sirois, C. Bell, L.-A. Hanafi, K. Hamelin, M. Dieudé, C. Rondeau, P. Thibault, M. Desjardins, M.J. Hébert, A comprehensive characterization of autophagic membrane vesicles released by apoptotic human endothelial cells, Proteomics, 13, 1108-1120 (2013).
K. Afshar, F.F. Dube, H.S. Najafabadi, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, R. Salavati, J.C. Bede, Insights into the insect salivary gland proteome: diet-associated changes in caterpillar labial salivary proteins, J. Insect Physiol, 59, 351-366 (2013).
M. Trost#, M. Sauvageau#, O. Hérault, P. Deleris, C. Pomiès, J. Chagraoui, N. Mayotte, Sylvain Meloche, Guy Sauvageau*, P. Thibault* , “Post-Translational Regulation of Self-Renewal Capacity: Insights from Proteome and Phosphoproteome Analyses of Stem Cell Leukemia”, eBlood. 2012 Aug 23;120(8):e17-27.
Laguë MN, Romieu-Mourez R, Bonneil E, Boyer A, Pouletty N, Mes-Masson AM, Thibault P, Nadeau MÈ, Boerboom D*, “Proteomic profiling of a mouse model for ovarian granulosa cell tumor identifies VCP as a highly sensitive serum tumor marker in several human cancers”, PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42470.
K. Hilmi#, N. Hussein#, R. Mendoza-Sanchez, M. El-Ezzy, H. Ismail, C. Durette, M. Bail, M.J. Rozendaal, M. Bouvier, P. Thibault, J. L. Gleason and S. Mader*, “Role of SUMOylation in full antiestrogenicity”, Mol. Cell. Biol., 19, 3823-37 (2012).
M. Courcelles#, G. Bridon#, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, “Occurrence and detection of phosphopeptide isomers in large-scale phosphoproteomics experiments”, J. Proteome Res., 11, 3753-3765 (2012).
E. Kanshin, S. Michnick, P. Thibault*, “Sample preparation and analytical strategies for large-scale phosphoproteomics experiments”, Sem. Cell Dev. Biol., 23, 843-53 (2013).
Goyette G, Boulais J, Carruthers NJ, Landry CR, Jutras I, Duclos S, Dermine JF, Michnick SW, Laboissière S, Lajoie G, Barreiro L, Thibault P, Desjardins M*, “Proteomic characterization of phagosomal membrane microdomains during phagolysosome biogenesis and evolution”, Mol Cell Proteomics, 11, 1365-77 (2012).
D.Granados#, W. Yahyaoui#, C. M. Laumont, T. Daouda, T. Muratore-Schroeder, C. Côté, J.-P. Laverdure, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, Claude Perreault*, “MHC I-associated peptides preferentially derive from transcripts bearing miRNA response elements”, eBlood 119: e181-e191 (2012).
D. deVerteuil. D. Granados, P. Thibault, C. Perreault*, "Origin and plasticity of MHC-I-associated self peptides", Autoimmunity reviews, 11, 627-35 (2012).
G. Bridon#, E. Bonneil#, T. Muratore-Schroeder, O. Caron-Lizotte, P. Thibault*, "Improvement of phosphoproteome analyses using FAIMS and decision tree fragmentation; Application to the insulin signalling pathway in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells", J. Proteome Res., 11, 927 (2012).
F.X. Campbell-Valois, M. Trost, M. Chemali, B.D. Dill, A. Laplante, S. Duclos, S. Sadeghi , C. Rondeau, I.C. Morrow, C. Bell, K. Hatsuzawa, P. Thibault*, M. Desjardins* “Quantitative proteomics reveals that only a subset of the endoplasmic reticulum contributes to the phagosome” Mol Cell Proteomics, , M111.016378v1 (2012).
Yuan H, Rossetto D, Mellert H, Dang W, Srinivasan M, Johnson J, Hodawadekar S, Ding EC, Speicher K, Abshiru N, Perry R, Wu J, Yang C, Zheng YG, Speicher DW, Thibault P, Verreault A, Johnson FB, Berger SL, Sternglanz R, McMahon SB, Côté J, Marmorstein R.,“MYST protein acetyltransferase activity requires active site lysine autoacetylation”, EMBO J. 31, 58-70 (2011).
E. Caron#, K. Vincent#, M.-H. Fortier#, J.-P. Laverdure, A. Bramoullé, M.-P. Hardy, G. Voisin, P.P. Roux, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, “The MHC I immunopeptidome conveys to the cell surface an integrative view of cellular regulation”, Mol. Syst. Biol., 7, 533 (2011), #co-first authors, * co-senior authors.
P. Drogaris#, V. Villeneuve#, C. Pomiès, E.-H. Lee, V. Bourdeau, É. Bonneil, G. Ferbeyre, A. Verreault*, P. Thibault*, “Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Globally Enhance H3/H4 Tail Acetylation Without Affecting H3 Lysine 56 Acetylation”, Nature Scientific report, 2:220 (2012). Cited in Faculty of 1000 (http://f1000.com/715697811).
L. Freschi, M. Courcelles, P. Thibault P, S.W. Michnick, C.R. Landry, “Phosphorylation network rewiring by gene duplication”, Mol Syst Biol. 7, 504 (2011).
M. Courcelles, S. Lemieux, L. Voisin, S. Meloche, P. Thibault*, “ProteoConnections: a platform facilitating the analysis and comparison of proteomics and phosphoproteomics datasets”, Proteomics, 11, 2654-2671 (2011).
B. Guillemette, P. Drogaris, H.-H. S. Lin, H. Armstrong, K. Hiragami-Hamada, A. Imhof, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, A. Verreault, R. Festenstein*, “Histone H3 lysine 4 acetylation promotes gene expression and is confined to promoters by H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation”, PLoS Biol., 7, e1001354 (2011).
Y. Tang, M. A. Holbert, N. Delgoshaie, H. Wurtele, B. Guillemette, K. Meeth, H. Yuan, P. Drogaris, E.-H. Lee, C. Durette, P. Thibault, A. Verreault, P.A. Cole, R. Marmorstein*, “Structure of the Rtt109-AcCoA/Vps75 Complex and Implications for Chaperone-Mediated Histone Acetylation” Structure, 19, 221-231 (2011).
F. Galisson#, L. Mahrouche#, M. Courcelles, E. Bonneil, S. Meloche, M. K. Chelbi-Alix*, P. Thibault”, “A novel proteomics approach to identify SUMOylated proteins and their modification sites in human cells, Mol Cell. Proteomics, 10, M110.004796 (2011), #co-first authors, * co-senior authors.
P. Déléris, M. Trost, I. Topisirovic, P.-L. Tanguay, K. Borden, P. Thibault, S. Meloche, "Activation loop phosphorylation of the atypical MAP kinases ERK3/ERK4 by group I PAKs defines a novel PAK-ERK3/4-MK5 signaling pathway”, J. Biol. Chem., 286, 6470-6478 (2011).
A. Carrière, Y. Romeo, H.A. Acosta-Jaquez, J. Moreau, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, D.C. Fingar, P.P. Roux, “ERK1/2 phosphorylate Raptor to promote Ras-dependent activation of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1)”, J. Biol. Chem.,286, 567-577 (2011).
D. Ashton-Beaucage, C. M. Udell, H. Lavoie, C. Baril, M. Lefrançois, P. Chagnon, P. Gendron, O. Caron-Lizotte, É. Bonneil, P. Thibault, M. Therrien, “The Exon Junction Complex Controls the Splicing of mapk pre-mRNA and Other Long Intron-Containing Transcripts in Drosophila”, Cell, 143, 251–262, (2010).
J. FitzGerald, S. Moureau, P. Drogaris, E. O'Connell, N. Abshiru, A. Verreault, P. Thibault, M. Grenon, N. Lowndes, "Regulation of the DNA Damage Response and Gene Expression by the Dot1L Histone Methyltransferase and the 53Bp1 Tumour Suppressor", PLOS One, 6, e14714 (2011)
S. Durand, M. Feldhammer, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, A.V. Pshezhetsky, “Analysis of the Biogenesis of Heparan Sulfate Acetyl-CoA: a-Glucosaminide N-Acetyltransferase Provides Insights into the Mechanism Underlying Its Complete Deficiency in Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC”, J. Biol. Chem, 285, 31233-31242 (2010).
K. Thivierge, A. Prado, B.T. Driscoll, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, J.C. Bede, “Caterpillar- and salivary-specific modifications of plant proteins”, J Proteome Res. 9, 5887-5895 (2010).
D. de Verteuil#, T. L. Muratore-Schroeder#, D. P. Granados, M.-H. Fortier, M.-P. Hardy‡§, A. Bramoullé, É. Caron, K. Vincent, S. Mader, S. Lemieux, P. Thibault*, C. Perreault*, “Immunoproteasomes Imprint on the Transcriptome and Have a Broad Impact on Peptides Presented by Major Histocompatibility Complex I molecules”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 9, 2057-2070 (2010), #co-first authors, * co-senior authors.
J. Boulais, M. Trost, C. Landry, R. Dieckmann, E. Levy, T. Soldati, S. Michnick, P. Thibault*, M. Desjardins*, “Molecular characterization of the evolution of phagosomes”, Mol. Syst. Biol., 6, 423 (2010). * co-senior authors
H. Wurtele, S. Tsao, G. Lépine, A. Mullick, P. Drogaris, E.-H. Lee, P. Thibault, A. Verreault, M. Raymond, “Modulation of Histone H3 Lysine 56 Acetylation as a Novel Antifungal Therapeutic Strategy”, Nature Medicine, 16(7):774-80 (2010)
M. Trost, G. Bridon, M. Desjardins, P. Thibault, “Subcellular phosphoproteomics”, Mass Spectrometry reviews, 29, 962-990 (2010).
M. Boutin, I. Ahmad, M. Jauhiainen, N. Lachapelle, C. Rondeau, J. Roy, P.Thibault, “NanoLC-MS/MS Analyses of Urinary Desmosine, Hydroxylysylpyridinoline and Lysylpyridinoline as Biomarkers for Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease”, Anal. Chem., 81, 9454–9461 (2009).
J. Saba, E. Bonneil, C. Pomies, K. Eng, P.Thibault, “Enhanced Sensitivity in Proteomics Experiments Using FAIMS Coupled to a Hybrid Linear Ion Trap/Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer”, J. Proteome Res., 8, 3355–3366 (2009).
P. Drogaris, Y. Le Blanc, J. Fitzgerald, N. Lowndes, A. Verreault, P. Thibault, “Enhanced protein detection using a novel trapping mode on a hybrid quadrupole-linear ion trap (Q-Trap)”, Anal. Chem., 81, 6300-6309 (2009).
I. Topisirovic, N. Siddiqui, VL Lapointe, M. Trost, P Thibault, C Bangeranye, S Piñol-Roma, KLC Borden, “Molecular dissection of the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) export-competent RNP”, EMBO J., 28, 1087-1098 (2009).
C. Pardin, I. Roy, R. Chica, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, W. Lubell, J. Pelletier, J, Keillor, “Photolabeling of Tissue Transglutaminase Reveals Binding Mode of Potent Cinnamoyl Inhibitors", Biochemistry, 48, 3346-3353 (2009).
M. Boutin, C. Berthelette, F. G. Gervais, M.-B. Scholand, J. Hoidal, M. F. Leppert, K. P. Bateman, P. Thibault, “High Sensitivity NanoLC-MS/MS Analysis of Urinary Desmosine and Isodesmosine”, Anal. Chem, 81, 1881-1887 (2009).
M. Trost, L. English, M. Courcelles, M. Desjardins, P. Thibault, “Deciphering the Phagosomal Proteome in Interferon-g Activated Macrophages”, Immunity, 30, 143-154 (2009).
Bendall S.C., Hughes C., Campbell J.L., Stewart MH, Pittock P., Liu S., Bonneil E., Thibault P., Bhatia M., Lajoie G.A., “An enhanced mass spectrometry approach reveals human embryonic stem cell growth factors in culture”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 8, 421-432 (2009).
M. Gharib, M. Marcantonio, S.G. Lehmann, M. Courcelles, S. Meloche, A. Verrreault, P. Thibault, “Artifactual O-sulfation of silver-stained proteins: Implications for the assignment of phosphorylation and sulfation sites”, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 8, 506-518 (2009).
P. Drogaris, H. Wurtele, H. Masumoto, A. Verreault, P. Thibault, “Comprehensive profiling of histone modifications using a label-free approach and its applications in determining structure-function relationships”, Anal. Chem, 80, 6698-6707 (2008)
A. Carrière, M. Cargnello, L.-A. Julien, H. Gao, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, P. P. Roux, “Oncogenic MAPK Signaling Regulates mTORC1 Assembly by Promoting Raptor Phosphorylation via ERK and RSK”, Current Biol, 18, 1269-1277 (2008).
Y. Tang, M. A Holbert, H. Wurtele, K. Meeth, W. Rocha, M. Gharib, E. Jiang, P. Thibault, A.Verreault, P. A Cole, R. Marmorstein, “Fungal Rtt109 histone acetyltransferase is an unexpected structural homolog of metazoan p300/CBP”, Nature Struct. Mol. Biol., 15, 738-745 (2008).
I. Jutras, M. Houde, N. Currier, J. Boulais, S. Duclos, S. LaBoissière, E. Bonneil, P. Kearney, P. Thibault, E. Paramithiotis, P. Hugo, M. Desjardins, “Modulation of the phagosome proteome by interferon-g, Mol Cell Proteomics, 7, 697-715 (2008).
M. Marcantonio, M. Trost, M. Courcelles, M. Desjardins, P. Thibault, “Combined enzymatic and data mining approaches for comprehensive phosphoproteome analyses; application to cell signaling events of interferon-γ stimulated macrophages”, Mol Cell Proteomics, 7, 645-660 (2008).
M.-H. Fortier, E. Caron, M.-P. Hardy, G. Voisin, S. Lemieux, C. Perreault, P. Thibault, “The MHC I immunopeptidome is moulded by the transcriptome”, J. Exp. Med., 205, 595-610 (2008).
JF. Clément, A Bibeau-Poirier, SP Gravel, N Grandvaux, E Bonneil, P Thibault, S Meloche, MJ Servant, “Phosphorylation of IRF-3 on Ser 339 generates a hyperactive form of IRF-3 through regulation of dimerization and CBP association”, J. Virol., 82, 3984-3996 (2008)
R. Castonguay, M. Morin, D. Halim, C. Lherbet, E. Bonneil, A. Furtos, P. Thibault, J. W. Keillor, “Cloning. Expression and kinetic characterization of recombinant human g-glutamyltranspeptidase”, Biochemistry, 46, 12253 -12262 (2007).
C.A. Smith, K.M. Lau, Z. Rahmani, S. E. Dho, G. Brothers, Y. Min She, D. M. Berry, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, F. Schweisguth, R. Le Borgne, C.J. McGlade, “aPKC-mediated phosphorylation regulates asymmetric membrane localization of the cell fate determinant Numb”, EMBO J., 26, 468-480 (2007).
S. K. Arora, M. Schirm, S. K. Kuravi, P. Thibault, S. M. Logan, R. Ramphal, “Glycosylation of b-type Flagellin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Structural and Genetic Basis”, J. Bacteriol., 188, 4395-4403 (2006).
P. Guerry, C.P. Ewing, M. Schirm, M. Lorenzo, J.F. Kelly, D. Pattarini, G. Majam, P. Thibault, S. Logan, “Changes in flagellin glycosylation affect Campylobacter autoagglutination and virulence”, Mol Microbiol., 60, 299-311 (2006).
N. Goardon, J. Lambert*, P. Rodriguez, S. Herblot, P. Thibault, J. Strouboulis, P.H. Romeo, T. Hoang, “ETO2 coordinates cellular proliferation and differentiation during erythropoiesis”, EMBO J., 25, 357-366 (2006).
M. Ghitun, E. Bonneil, M.-H. Fortier, H. Yin, K. Killeen, P. Thibault, “Integrated Microfluidic Devices with Enhanced Separation Performance; Application to Phosphoproteome Analyses of Differentiated Cell Model Systems”, J. Sep. Sc., 29, 1539-1549 (2006).
P. Thibault, “Tribute to Robert Kinnear Boyd”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, (2006).
M. Schirm, I. Schoenhofen, S. M. Logan, K. C. Waldron, P. Thibault, “Identification of Unusual Bacterial Glycosylation by Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Intact Proteins”, Anal. Chem., 77, 7774 (2005).
E. Bonneil, S. Tessier, A. Carrier, P. Thibault, “Multiplex multidimensional nanoLC-MS system for targeted proteomic analyses”, Electrophoresis, 26, 4575 (2005).
M.T. Follettie, M. Pinard, J.C. Keith, Jr., L. Wang, D. Chelsky, C. Hayward, P. Kearney, P. Thibault, E. Paramithiotis, A.J. Dorner, H.A. Harris “Organ mRNA and plasma proteome changes in the adjuvant-induced arthritis model: responses to disease induction and therapy with ERB-041”, Endocrinology, 147, 714–723 (2006)
J. Lee, M. Gravel, R. Zhang, P. Thibault, P. E. Braun. “Process outgrowth in oligodendrocytes is mediated by CNP, a novel microtubule assembly myelin protein”, J. Cell. Biol., 170, 661-673 (2005).
M.-H. Fortier, E. Bonneil, P. Goodley, P. Thibault, “An integrated microfluidic device for mass spectrometry-based proteomics and its application to biomarker discovery programs”, Anal. Chem., 77, 1631-1640 (2005).
K. Venne, E. Bonneil, K. Eng, P. Thibault, “Improvement in peptide detection for proteomics analyses using nanoLC-MS and high field asymmetry waveform ion mobility mass spectrometry (FAIMS)”, Anal. Chem., 77, 2176-2186 (2005).
P. Coulombe, G. Rodier, E. Bonneil, P. Thibault, S. Meloche, “N-terminal ubiquitination of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3 and p21 directs their degradation by the proteasome”, Mol. Cell. Biol., 24, 6140-6150 (2004).
M. Schirm, S.K. Arora, A. Verma, E. Vinogradov, P. Thibault, R. Ramphal, S.M. Logan, “Structural and genetic characterization of glycosylation of type A flagellin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa”, J. Bacteriol., 186, 2523-2531 (2004).
M. Schirm, M. Kalmokoff, A. Aubry, P. Thibault, M. Sandoz, S.M. Logan, “Flagellin from Listeria monocytogenes is glycosylated with -O-linked acetylglucosamine”, J. Bacteriol., 186, 6721-6727 (2004).
E. Bonneil, N.M. Young, H. Lis, N. Sharon, P. Thibault, “Probing genetic variation and glycoforms distribution in lectins of the Erythrina genus by mass spectrometry”, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 426, 241-249 (2004).
J. Banoub, A. Cohen, A. Mansour, P. Thibault “Characterization and de novo sequencing of Atlantic salmon vitellogenin protein by electrospray tandem and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry” Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 1, 121 - 134 (2004)
E. C. Soo, A. J. Aubry, S. M. Logan, P. Guerry, J. F. Kelly , P. Thibault, “The Selective Detection and Identification of Sugar-nucleotides by CE-ESMS and its Application to Bacterial Metabolomics”, Anal. Chem., 76, 619-626 (2004).
M. Houde, S. Bertholet, E. Gagnon, S. Brunet, G. Goyette, A. Laplante, P. Thibault, D. Sacks, M. Desjardins, “ER-mediated phagocytosis: phagosomes are competent organelles for antigen cross presentation”, Nature, 425, 402-406, 2003.
S. Brunet, P. Thibault, E. Gagnon, P. Kearney, J.J.M. Bergeron, M. Desjardins “Organelle proteomics: looking at less to see more”, Trends in cell biology, 13, 629-638 (2003).
M. Schirm, E.C. Soo, A.J. Aubry, J. Austin, P. Thibault, S.M. Logan, “Structural, genetic and functional characterization of the flagellin glycosylation process in Helicobacter pylori”, Mol Microbiol., 48, 1579-1592 (2003).
P. Kearney, P. Thibault “Bioinformatics meets proteomics – Bridging the gap between mass spectrometry data analysis and cell biology”, J. of bioinformatics and computational biology, 1, 183-200 (2003).
M. Archambault, J. Labrie, C.R. Rioux, F. Dumas, P. Thibault, C. Elkins, M. Jacques, “Identification and preliminary characterization of a 75-kDa hemin- and hemoglobin-binding outer membrane protein of Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia serotype 1”, Can. J. Vet. Res., 67, 271-277 (2003).
J. Banoub, P. Thibault, A. Cohen, Atef Mansour, D. H. Heeley and D. Jackman “Characterisation of the intact rainbow trout vitellogenin protein and analysis of its derived tryptic and cyanogen bromide peptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight-mass spectrometry and electrospray ionisation quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry”, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 9, 509 - 524 (2003)
H. Massoud, A. Martin, P. Thibault, E.R. Moxon, J.C. Richards, « Structure of extended lipopolysaccharide glycoforms containing two globotriose units in Haemophilus influenzae serotype b strain RM7004”, Biochemistry, 42, 4463 (2003).
R.C. Richards, D.M. Hudson, P. Thibault, K.V. Ewart, “Cloning and characterization of the Atlantic salmon serum lectin, a long-form C-type lectin expressed in kidney” , Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1621(1):110-5 (2003).
R. Zhang, T.L. Tremblay, A. McDermitt, P. Thibault, D. Stanimirovic “Identification of differentially expressed proteins in human glioblastoma cell lines and tumors”
Glia. 42, 194-208 (2003).
S.C. Taylor, P. Thibault, D.C. Tessier, J.J.M. Bergeron, D.Y. Thomas, “Glycopeptide specificity of the secretory protein folding sensor, UDP-glucose glycoprotein:glucosyltransferase”, EMBO report, 4, 405-411 (2003).
J. Hui, T.C. White, P. Thibault, “Identification of Glycan Structure and Glycosylation Sites in Cellobiohydrolase II and Endoglucanases I and II from Trichoderma reesei”, Glycobiology, 12, 837-849 (2002).
S.M. Logan, J.F. Kelly, P. Thibault, C.P. Ewing, P. Guerry, “Structural heterogeneity of carbohydrate modifications affects serospecificity of Campylobacter flagellins”, Mol. Microbiol., 46, 587-597 (2002).
E. Bonneil, J. Li, T.-L. Tremblay, J.J. Bergeron, P. Thibault, “Integration of solid phase extraction membranes for sample multiplexing; Application to rapid protein identification from gel-isolated protein extracts”, Electrophoresis,23, 3589-3598 (2002).
S. Taurin, V. Seyrantepe, S.N. Orlov, T.-L. Tremblay, P. Thibault. M.R. Bennett, P. Hamet, A.V. Pshezhetsky, “Proteome analysis and functional expression identify mortalin as an anti-apoptotic gene induced by elevation of [Na+]/[K+] ratio in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells”, Circulation Res., 91, 915-922 (2002).
V. Kottis, P. Thibault, D. Mikol, Z.C. Xiao, R. Zhang, P. Dergham, P.E. Braun, “Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp) is an inhibitor of neurite outgrowth”, J. Neurochem., 82, 1566-1569 (2002).
G. Graziani-Bowering, L.G. Filion, P. Thibault, M. Kozlowski, “CD4 ia active as a signalling molecule on the human monocytic cell line Thp-1”, Exp. Cell Res., 279, 141-152 (2002).
J. Li, T. LeRiche, T.-L. Tremblay, C. Wang, E. Bonneil, D.J. Harrison, P. Thibault, “Application of microfluidic devices to Proteomics research: Identification of trace-level protein digests and affinity capture of target peptides”, Molecular and cellular Proteomics, 1, 157-168 (2002).
P. Thibault, S. M. Logan , J. F. Kelly, J.-R. Brisson, C. P. Ewing, T. J. Trust, P. Guerry, “Identification of the carbohydrate moieties and glycosylation motifs in Campylobacter jejuni flagellin”, J. Biol. Chem. 276, 34862-34870 (2001)
E. Altman, B. A. Harrison, R. K. Latta, K. K. Lee, J. F. Kelly, P. Thibault “Galectin-3-mediated adherence of Proteus Mirabilis to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells”, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 79, 783-788 (2001).
A.D. Cox, H. Masoud, P. Thibault, J.R. Brisson, M. vanDerZwan, M.B. Perry, J.C. Richards “Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide from the nontypable Haemophilus influenzae strain SB33”, Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 5278-5278 (2001)
M. Reith, J. Munholland, J. Kelly, R. N. Finn, P. Thibault, H. J. Fyhn “Lipovitellins derived from two forms of vitellogenin are differentially processed during oocyte maturation in haddock (Melanogrammus aegelfinus)”;, J. Exp. Zoology / Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 291, 58-67 (2001).
J. Li, T.L. Tremblay, P. Thibault, C. Wang, S. Attiya, D.J. Harrison, “Integrated system for high throughput protein identification using a microfabricated device coupled to capillary electrophoresis/nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry”, Joint publication in Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 7, 143-155 (2001) and Proteomics, 1, 975-986 (2001).
R.C. Richards, D.B. O’Neil, P. Thibault, K.V. Ewart. “Histone H1: an antimicrobial protein of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 284, 549-556 (2001).
T.N. Seagroves, H.E. Ryan, H. Lu, B.G. Wouters, M. Knapp, P. Thibault, K. Laderoute, R.S. Johnson “Cell growth and development – Transcription factor HIF-1 is a necessary mediator of the Pasteur effect in mammalian cells”, Mol. Cell. Biol., 21, 3436-3444 (2001)
Y. Deng, J. Henion, J. Li, P. Thibault, C. Wang, D.J. Harrison “Chip-based capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry – Determination of carnithines in human urine”, Anal. Chem., 73, 639-646 (2001).
L.-Y. Luo, L. Grass, D.J.C. Howarth, P. Thibault, H. Ong, E.P. Diamandis “Enzyme and protein markers - Immunofluorometric assay of human Kallikrein 10 (hK10;NES1) and its identification in biological fluids and tissues”, Clin. Chem., 47, 237-246 (2001)
J.P.M. Hui, P. Lanthier, T.C. White, S.G. McHugh, M. Yaguchi, R. Roy, P. Thibault, “Characterization of cellobiohydrolase I (Cel7A) glycoforms from extracts of Trichoderma reesei using capillary isoelectric focusing and electrospray mass spectrometry”, J. Chrom B., 752, 349-368 (2001).
L. Aussel, R. Chaby, K. LeBlay, J. Kelly, P. Thibault, M. Perry, M. Caroff, “Chemical and serological characterization of the Bordetella hinzii lipopolysaccharides”, FEBS lett., 485, 40-47 (2000)
C. Wang, R. Oleschuk, F. Ouchen, J. Li, P. Thibault, D. J. Harrison, “Integration of immobilized trypsin bead beds for protein digestion within a microfluidic chip incorporating capillary electrophoresis separations and an electrospray mass spectrometry interface”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 14, 1377-1383 (2000).
I. Sadovskaya, J.R. Brisson, P. Thibault, J.C. Richards, J.S. Lam, E. Altman, “Structural characterization of the outer core and the O-chain linkage region of lipopolysaccharide from Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype O5”, Eur. J. Biochem., 267, 1640-1650 (2000).
J. Li, J.F. Kelly, I. Chernushevich, J.D. Harrison, P. Thibault, “Rapid separation of peptides from gel-isolated membrane proteins using a microfabricated device coupled to a high performance quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometer”, Anal. Chem., 20, 599-609 (2000).
J. Li, C. Wang, J.F. Kelly, J.D. Harrison, P. Thibault, Rapid and sensitive separation of trace level protein digests using microfabricated device coupled to a high performance quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometer”, Electrophoresis, 21, 198-210 (2000).
D.B. Foster, L.-H. Shen, J. Kelly, P. Thibault, J.E. Van Eyk, A.S. Mak, “Phosphorylation of caldesmon by p21-activated kinase: Implications for the Ca2+-sensitivity of smooth muscle contraction, J. Biol. Chem., 275, 1959-1965 (2000).
J. Abraham, J.F. Kelly, P. Thibault, S. Benchimol, “Post-translational modification of p53 in response to ionizing radiation analyzed by mass spectrometry”, J. Mol. Biol., 295, 853-864 (2000).
J. Li, P. Thibault, N.H. Bings, C.D. Skinner, C. Wang, K. Colyer, D.J. Harrison, “Integration of Microfabricated Devices to Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Using a Low Dead Volume Connection; Application to Rapid Analyses of Proteolytic Digests”, Anal. Chem., 71, 3036-3045 (1999)
N.H. Bings, C Wang, C.D. Skinner, K.L. Colyer, J.D. Harrison, J. Li, P. Thibault, “Microfluidic devices connected to glass capillaries with minimal dead volume”, Anal. Chem., 71, 3292-3296 (1999)
Y.-C. Liou, P. Thibault, V.K. Walker, P.L. Davies, L.A. Graham, “Repeating structure and isoform heterogeneity of a hyperactive antifreeze protein from the beetle Tenebra molitor”, Biochemistry., 35, 11415-11424 (1999)
N.M. Young, P. Thibault, D.C. Watson, J.J. Pueyo, M.J. Chrispeels, “Post-translational processing of the 1- and 2-amylase inhibitors and arcelin from the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris”, FEBS, 446, 203-206 (1999).
D.W. Hood, K. Makepeace, M. Deadman, R.F. Rest, P. Thibault, A. Martin, J.C. Richards, E.R. Moxon, “Sialic acid in the lipolysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae: Strain distribution, influence on serum resistance and structural characterization”, Mol. Microbiol., 33, 679-693 (1999).
C. Blais, J. Marc-Aurèle, W.H. Simmons, G. Loute, P. Thibault, R.A. Skidgel, A. Adam, “Des-Arg9-Bradykinin metabolism in patients who presented hypersensitivity reactions during hemodialysis: Role of serum ACE and aminopeptidase P”, Peptides, 20, 421-430 (1999).
S. Auriola, P. Thibault, I. Sadovskaya, E. Altman, “Enhancement of Sample Loadings for the Analysis of Oligosaccharides Isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using Transient Isotachophoresis and Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry”,Electrophoresis, 19, 2665-2676 (1998).
K.P. Bateman, R.L. White, P. Thibault, “Evaluation of Adsorption Preconcentration-Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-Nanoelectrospray Mass Spectrometry for Peptide and Glycoprotein Analyses”,J. Mass Spectrom., 33, 1109-1123 (1998).
A.D. Cox, M.D. Howard, J.R. Brisson, M. van der Zwan, P. Thibault, M.B. Perry, T.J. Inzana, “Structural analysis of the phase-variable lipooligosaccharide from Haemophilus somnus strain 738”, Eur. J. Biochem., 253, 507-516 (1998).
W.W. Wakarchuk, M. Gilbert, A. Martin. Y. Wu, J.R. Brisson, P. Thibault, J.C. Richards, “Structure of a novel a-2,6-sialylated lipooligosaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis immunotype L1”, Eur. J. Biochem., 254, 626-633 (1998).
J. Li, P. Thibault, A. Martin, J.C. Richards, W.W. Wakarchuk, W. van der Wilp, “Development of a on-line Preconcentration Method for the Analysis of Pathogenic Lipopolysaccharides Using Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry; Application to Small Colony Isolates”, J. Chromatogr. A, 817, 325-336 (1998).
K. P. Bateman, R. L. White, M. Yaguchi, P. Thibault, “Characterization of protein glycoforms by Capillary zone electrophoresis-nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry”, J. Chromatogr. A, 794, 327-344 (1998).
K.P. Bateman, R.L. White, P. Thibault, “Disposable emitters for on-line capillary zone electrophoresis nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 11, 307-315 (1997).
K. P. Bateman, Pierre Thibault, K. Yang, R. L. White, and L. C. Vining, Probing the Substrate Specificity of an Enzyme Catalyzing Inactivation of Streptogramin B Antibiotics using LC-MS and LC-MS-MS”, J. Mass Spectrom., 32, 1057-1063 (1997).
J. Banoub, P. Thibault, P.Y. Gouéth, G. Ronco, P. Villa, “Electrospray tandem mass spectrometry of a novel series of amphipathic functionalized ether-linked di- and tri-saccharides and cyclic oligosaccharides”, J. Mass Spectrom., 32, 109-121 (1997).
M. Keusgen, J.M. Curtis, P. Thibault, J. A. Walter, A. Windust, S.W. Ayer, “Sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerols from the alga Heterosigma carterae”, Lipids, 32, 1101-1112 (1997).
J.Y. Zhao, P. Thibault, T. Tazawa, M.A. Quilliam, “Analysis of tetramine in sea snails by capillary electrophoresis-tandem mass spectrometry”, J. Chromatogr., 1997, 781, 555-566 (1997).
A. Cox, J.R. Brisson, P. Thibault, M.B. Perry, “Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide from Vibrio cholerae serotype O22, Carbohydrate Research, 304, 191-208 (1997)
J.Y. Zhao, P. Thibault, M.A. Quilliam, “Analysis of domoic acid and isomers in seafood by capillary electrophoresis”, Electrophoresis, 18, 268-276 (1997)
J.F. Kelly, L. Ramaley, P. Thibault, “Capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry at sub-microliter flow rates; practical considerations and analytical performance”, Anal. Chem., 69, 51-60 (1997).
A. Gago-Martinez, J.A. Rodrigez-Vazquez, P. Thibault, M.A. Quilliam, "The simultaneous occurence of diarrhetic and paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in spanish mussels in 1993", Natural toxins, 4, 72-79 (1996).
K.P. Bateman, K. Yang, P. Thibault, R.L. White, L.C. Vining, "Inactivation of etamycin by a novel elimination mechanism in Streptomyces lividans", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118, 5335-5338 (1996).
K.P. Bateman, J.H. Banoub, P. Thibault, “Probing the microheterogeneity of O-specific chains from Yersinia ruckeri using capillary zone electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry”, Electrophoresis, 17, 1818-1828 (1996).
J.F. Kelly, H. Masoud, M.B. Perry, J.C. Richards, P. Thibault, "Separation and characterization of lipopolysaccharides from Moraxella catarrhalis using capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry", Anal. Biochem., 233, 15-30 (1996).
N.M. Young, D.C. Watson, P. Thibault, "Post-translational proteolytic cleavages of viciae seed lectins", Glycoconjugate J., 13, 575-583 (1996)
J.F.Kelly, S.J. Locke, L. Ramaley, P. Thibault, “Development of Electrophoretic Conditions for the Characterization of Protein Glycoforms by Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry”, J. Chomatogr. A, 720, 409-427 (1996).
A., Buzy, V. Bracchi, R. Sterjiades, J. Chroboczek, P. Thibault, J. Gagnon, H. Jouve, G. Hudry-Clergeon, "Complete amino acid sequence of Proteus mirabilis PR Catalase. Occurence of a methionine sulfone in the close proximity of the active site", J. Protein Chem., 14, 59-72 (1995)
P. Meuwly, P. Thibault, A.L. Schwan, W.E. Rauser, "Three families of thiolate peptides are induced by cadmium in maize", Plant Journal, 7, 391-400 (1995)
Y. Pétillot, P. Thibault, N.M. Thielens, V. Rossi, M. Lacroix, B. Coddeville, G. Spik, V.N. Shumaker, J. Gagnon, G.J. Arlaud, "Structural analysis of the N-linked oligosaccharides of human C1s using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry", FEBS letters, 358, 323-328 (1995).
N.M. Young, D.C. Watson, P. Thibault, "Mass spectrometric analysis of genetic and post-translational heterogeneity in the lectins Jacalin and Maclura pomifera agglutinin", Glycoconjugate J., 12, 135-141 (1995).
N.M. Young, D.C. Watson, M. Yaguchi, R. Adar, R. Arango, E. Rodrigez-Arango, N. Sharon, P.K.S. Blay, P. Thibault, "C-terminal post-translational proteolysis of plant lectins and their recombinant forms expressed in E. coli: Characterization of "ragged ends" by mass spectrometry", J. Biol. Chem., 270, 2563-2570 (1995).
K.P. Bateman, P. Thibault, D.J. Douglas, R.L. White, "Mass spectral analyses of microcystins from toxic cyanobacteria using on-line chromatographic and electrophoretic separations", J. Chromatogr. A, 712, 253-268 (1995).
K. Baczko, C. Nugier-Chauvin, J. Banoub, P. Thibault, D. Plusquellec, "A new synthesis of 6-O-acylsucroses and of mixed 6,6'-di-O-acylsucroses", Carbohydrate Res., 269, 79-88 (1995).
A. Buzy, J. Gagnon, J. Lamy, P. Thibault, E. Forest, G. Hudry-Clergeon, "Complete amino acid sequence of the Aa6 submit of the scorpion Androctonus australis hemocyanin determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry", Eur. J. Biochem, 233, 93-101 (1995).
Cendrin F., Jouve H.M., Gaillard J. , Thibault P., Zaccai G., "Purification and properties of a halophilic catalase-peroxidase from Haloarcula marismortui", Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1209, 1-9 (1994)
S.J. Locke, P. Thibault, "Improvement in detection limits for the determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in shellfish tissues using capillary electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry and discontinuous buffer systems", Anal. Chem., 66, 3436-3446 (1994)
M.V. Laycock, P. Thibault, S.W. Ayer, J.A. Walter, "Isolation and purification procedures for the preparation of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin standards", Natural toxins, 2, 175-183 (1994)
R.J. Helleur, P. Thibault, "Optimization of pyrolysis-desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry of polysaccharides", Can. J. Chem., 72, 345 (1994)
M. Morris, P. Thibault, R.K. Boyd, "Characterization of a high-pressure quadrupole collision cell for low-energy collision-induced dissociation", J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 5, 1042-1063 (1994)
A. Buzy, P. Thibault, M.V. Laycock, "Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the characterization of enzymatic products arising from the carbamoylase digestion of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins", J. Chromatogr., 688, 301-316 (1994).
P.M. Lacroix, N.M. Curran, W.W. Sy, D.K.J. Gorecki, P. Thibault, P.K.S. Blay, "Liquid chromatographic determination of amiodarone hydrochloride and related compounds in raw materials and tablets", J. of AOAC Int., 77, 1447-1453 (1994).
Chauvin C., Thibault P., Plusquellec D., Banoub J.H., “Differentiation of regioisomeric esters of sucrose by ionspray tandem mass spectrometry”, J. Carbohydrate Chem., 12, 459-475 (1993)
Blay P.K.S., Thibault P., Thiberge N., Kiecken B., Lebrun A., Mercure C., "Analysis of taxol and related taxanes from Taxus candensis using LC-MS and LC-MS-MS", Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 7, 626-634 (1993).
X. J. Tang, P. Thibault, R.K. Boyd, "Fragmentation reactions of multiply protonated peptides and implications for sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry with low-energy collisions", Anal. Chem., 65, 2824-2834 (1993).
P. Thibault, A.J. Alexander, R.K. Boyd, "High energy collisional activation studied via angle-resolved translational energy spectra of survivor ions", J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 4, 835-844 (1993).
P. Thibault, A.J. Alexander, R.K. Boyd, K.B. Tomer, "Delayed dissociation spectra of survivor ions from high energy collisional activation", J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 4, 845-854 (1993).
X. J. Tang, P. Thibault, R.K. Boyd, "Fragmentation reactions of singly- and doubly-charged alkali ion-peptide complexes: A reaction specific to C-terminal arginine residues", Org. Mass Spectrom., 28, 1047-1052 (1993)
M. Morris, P. Thibault, R.K. Boyd, "Low-energy ion molecule products from collisions with ammonia", Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 7, 1136-1140 (1993)
P. Meuwly, P. Thibault, W.E. Rauser, "Gamma-glutamyl cysteinyl glutamic acid - a new homologue of glutathione in maize seedlings exposed to cadmium", FEBS Lett., 336, 472-476 (1993)
Chevallier S., Goeltz P., Thibault P., Banville D., Gagnon J. “Characterization of a prolyl endopeptidase from Flavobacterium meningosepticum: Complete sequence and localization of the active-site serine” J. Biol. Chem., 267, 8192 (1992).
Pleasance S., Ayer S.W., Laycock M.V., Thibault P. “Ionspray mass spectrometry of marine toxins III: Analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning toxins by flow injection analysis, LC-MS and CE-MS” Rapid Comm. Mass Spec.,6, 14 (1992).
Thibault P., Faubert D., Karunanithy S., Boyd R.K., Holmes C.F.B. “Isolation, mass spectrometric characterization, and protein phosphatase inhibition characteristics of cyclic peptide analogues of gramicidin-S from Bacillus brevis (Nagano strain)” Biol. Mass Spectrom. 21, 367 (1992).
Helleur, R.J., Thibault P., Banoub, J.H., Shaw, D.H. “Pyrolysis-desorption chemical ionization and high energy tandem mass spectrometry of the O-specific antigen of Yersinia ruckeri” Org. Mass Spectrom. 27, 967 (1992).
Tang X., Thibault P., Boyd R.K. “Characterisation of the tyrocidine and gramicidin fractions of the tyrocidin complex from Bacillus brevis using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 122, 153 (1992).
Hogge L.R., Abrams G.D., Abrams S.R., Thibault P., Pleasance S. “Characterisation of absisic acid and metabolites by combined liquid chromatography with ionspray and plasmaspray ionization techniques”, J. Chromatogr., 623, 255 (1992).
Pleasance S., Thibault P., Kelly J. “Comparison of liquid-junction and co-axial interfaces for capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry with application to compounds of concern to the aquaculture industry” J. Chromatogr., 591, 325 (1992).
Laycock M.V., Hildebrand P.D., Thibault P., Walter J.A., Wright J.L.C. "Viscosin, a potent peptidolipid biosurfactant and phytopathogenic mediator produced by a pectolytic strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens" J. Food Agr. Chem. 39, 483 (1991).
Thibault P., Laycock M.V., Pleasance S. "Analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Poisons by Capillary Electrophoresis" J. Chromatogr. 542, 483 (1991).
Thibault P., Pleasance S., Laycock M.V., MacKay R.M., Boyd R.K. “Characterization of a mixture of lobster digestive cysteine proteinases by ionspray mass spectrometry and tryptic mapping with LC/MS and LC/MS/MS” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 111, 317 (1991).
Pleasance S., Thibault P., Sim P.G., Boyd R.K. “Cesium iodide clusters as mass calibrants in Ionspray Mass Spectrometry” Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 5, 307 (1991).
Thibault P., Paris C., Pleasance S. “Analysis of peptides and proteins by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry using acidic buffers and coated capillaries” Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 5, 484 (1991).
Ayer S.W., McInnes A.G., Thibault P., Walter J.A., Doull J.L., Parnell T., Vining L.C. “Jadomycin, a novel 8H-Benz[b]oxazolo[3,2-f]phenanthridine antibiotic fromStreptomyces venezuela ISP5230” Tetrahedron letts., 32, 6301 (1991).
Zidarov D., Thibault P., Evans M.J., Bertrand M.J. "Determination of the primary structure of peptides using Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry" Biomed. Env. Mass Spectrom. 19, 13 (1990).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P., Boyd R.K. "Target gas excitation in collision-induced dissociation: A reinvestigation of energy loss in collisional activation of molecular ions of chlorophyll-a" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 2484 (1990).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P., Boyd R.K., Curtis J.M., Rinehart K.L. "Collision induced dissociation of peptide ions. Part III: Comparison of results obtained using sector-quadrupole hybrids with those from tandem double-focussing instruments" Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 98, 107 (1990).
Pleasance S., Thibault P., Moseley M.A., Deterding L.J., Tomer K.B., Jorgenson J.W. "Continuous Flow Fast Atom Bombardment with packed microcolumns: A comparison of precolumn versus coaxial matrix delivery" J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1, 312 (1990).
Wright J.L.C., Boyd R.K., de Freitas A.S.W., Falk M., Foxall R., Jamieson W.D., Laycock M.V., Mc Culloch A.W., Mc Innes A.G., Odense P., Pathak V., Quilliam M.A., Ragan M., Sim P. G., Thibault P., Walter J.A., Gilgan M., Richard D. "Identification of domoic acid, a neuroexcitatory amino acid found in toxic mussels from eastern P.E.I." Can. J. Chem 67, 481 (1989).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P., Boyd R.K. "Collision induced dissociation of peptides II: Remote site fragmentations in tandem hybrid mass spectrometer" Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 3, 30 (1989).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P., Boyd R.K. "Collision induced dissociation of Cs4I3+: An example of superelastic collision ?" Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 3, 267 (1989).
Thibault P., Quilliam M.A., Jamieson W.D., Boyd R.K. "Mass spectrometry of domoic acid; a marine neurotoxin" Biomed. Env. Mass Spectrom.18, 373 (1989).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P. "Collisional activation at keV energies. An investigation of the internal energies of excitedprecursor ions" Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 2, 224 (1988).
Alexander A.J., Thibault P., Guevremont R., Boyd R.K. An example of intense artifact peak in mass analyser ion kinetic energy (MIKE) spectra and their elucidation using an instrument of BEqQ configuration" Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 2, 79 (1988).
Bertrand M.J., Thibault P., Evans M.J., Zidarov D. "Determination of the empirical formulae of peptides by FABMS" Biomed. Env. Mass Spectrom. 14, 249 (1987).
Bertrand M.J., Thibault P. "Charge inversion spectra of the (M-H)- ions of Di and polypeptides analysed by FABMS" Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 13, 347 (1986).
Mes prix et distinctions
NRC President’s award for helping to solve a major national problem, following the seafood poisoning crisis of 1987.
NRC President’s outstanding award for analytical developments in biological mass spectrometry
Prix Maxxam en chimie analytique
Tony Pawson's award from the Canadian National Proteomic Network For his seminal contributions to mass spectrometry and proteomics
Prix ACFAS Urgel-Archambault (génie, informatique et mathématiques)
Mes affiliations
- Professeur titulaire, département de chimie, Université de Montréal
- Chercheur principal et directeur de la plateforme protéomique, Institut de recherche en immunologie et cancérologie (IRIC), Université de Montréal
- Professeur accrédité, département de biochimie, Université de Montréal