Florian Sanchez
Principal secteur de recherche ou d'activité
Mes intérêts de recherche
Génie aéronautique Génie électrique et génie électronique Génie mécanique et robotiqueMa formation
2017 - 2019Université ConcordiaPostdoctorat | Génie AerospatialCanada
2014 - 2017Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)Doctorat | Génie MécaniqueFrance
2006 - 2012Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)Maîtrise | Génie MécaniqueFrance
Mes publications
F Sanchez, S Liscouet-Hanke, Y Boutin, S Beaulac, A Thermal Risk Assessment Approach for the Conceptual Design of Aircraft System Architectures, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2019
F. Sanchez, S. Liscouët-Hanke, Y. Boutin, S. Beaulac, S. Dufresne, Multi-level Modeling Methodology for Aircraft Thermal Architecture Design, SAE Technical Papers, 2018.
S. Delbecq, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, F. Sanchez, J. Piaton, A framework for sizing embedded mechatronic systems during preliminary design, International Federation of Automatic Control, 2017.
F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, Dimensional analysis and surrogate models for the thermal modelling of electronic components, Electrimacs, 2017.
F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, S. Delbecq, I. Hazyuk, Modelling and design approaches for the preliminary design of power electronic converters, Electrimacs, 2017.
I. Hazyuk, M. Budinger, F. Sanchez, C. Gogu, Optimal design of computer experiments for surrogate models with dimensionless variables, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. (2017).
F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, Dimensional analysis and surrogate models for the thermal modeling of Multiphysics systems, Applied Thermal Engineering. 110 (2017) 758–771.
S. Delbecq, F. Tajan, M. Budinger, J.-C. Mare, F. Sanchez, A framework for the conceptual and preliminary design of embedded mechatronic systems, International Workshop Aircraft System Technolology, Hamburg, 2017.
F. Sanchez, S. Delbecq, Surrogate modeling technique for the conceptual and preliminary design of embedded systems and components, International Council Aeronautical Sciences (2016) 1–10. (John McCarthy award finalist 2016)
F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, D. Donjat, I. Hazyuk, L’analyse dimensionnelle et les méta-modèles au service de la thermique des systèmes multi-physiques, Congrès Français de Thermique., Toulouse, 2016. (Biot-Fourier award finalist 2016)
F. Sanchez, A.-K. Koschlik, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, Dimensional analysis and surrogate modelling technique for the sizing of actuation systems, Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components, Toulouse, 2016: pp. 158–165.
I. Hazyuk, M. Budinger, F. Sanchez, J.C. Maré, S. Colin, Scaling laws based metamodels for the selection of the cooling strategy of electromechanical actuators in the early design stages, Mechatronics. 29 (2015) 67–77.
M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, F. Sanchez, J.-C. Mare, Scaling-law-based metamodels for the sizing of actuation systems, Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components, Toulouse, 2014: pp. 129–135.
Mes prix et distinctions
Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral fellowship
John McCarthy award finalist at the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences conference (ICAS)
Finaliste du prix Biot-Fourier de la Société Française de Thermique (SFT)